View Full Version : General Chit Chat
- Video from NRA (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Bill Whittle Gives Virtual STOTU Address (0 replies)
- Its last appeal turned down (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- ex-Secret Service Agent Dan Bongino (0 replies)
- Debunking Every Gun Myth (0 replies)
- The Knox Report - 23 Feb. 2013 (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- GA sheriff says no (0 replies)
- Charley Reese's Final column! (0 replies)
- The So-Called Gun Show Loophole (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- ALEXANDER'S COLUMN, THe Patriot POst (1 replies)
- From the Inside Out (Part 4 of 4) (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Gun culture vs. the culture of dependency (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Armed churchgoer prevents slaughter (0 replies)
- Texas College Students Could Soon Pack Heat (0 replies)
- "Firearms, Violence, and the Second Amendment" (0 replies)
- 357 Magnum SABOT project (0 replies)
- No matter where you stand (0 replies)
- AG & Obama want to decide who is entitled (0 replies)
- California's state Senate Democrats (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Reducing Violent Crime (Part 3 of 4) (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- New trial ordered for gun family (0 replies)
- Why is government stockpiling guns, ammo? (0 replies)
- Majority of Young Americans Against Banning ‘Assault Weapons’ (0 replies)
- Do Gun Bans Curb Violent Crime? (0 replies)
- WVCDL - The State Journal's Decision Makers Interview (0 replies)
- Nra on border security (0 replies)
- The Patriot Post, Mark Alexander (0 replies)
- 1,100 Green Berets set record straight on guns (0 replies)
- The Constitution is Dead (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- PAGE NINE -- No. 120 by Alan Korwin (0 replies)
- The Guy has a Point (0 replies)
- Stop the Gun Ban - Join The Coalition! (0 replies)
- ‘We Haven’t Yet Begun to Fight!’ (0 replies)
- Have you seen the List (0 replies)
- The Knox Report - 25 Jan. 2013 (0 replies)
- County Sheriff: Power To Protect (0 replies)
- Two First-Graders Suspended (0 replies)
- Bill Banning High Capacity Magazines (0 replies)
- Feinstein unveiling gun-grab plan (0 replies)
- Obama Asks Military Leaders (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Will the U.S. Follow Germany's Example? (0 replies)
- The Most Pro-Gun Low-Crime City in the United States (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Obama's 23 Executive (0 replies)
- THe Dr. can Ask. (0 replies)
- Keene to Newsmax (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Knox gun-rights report (0 replies)
- Gun Control, the Dick Act of 1902 (0 replies)
- Massacre Solution: (0 replies)
- Hannity foresees states leaving union (0 replies)
- Second Amendment: Do Militias Matter Today? (0 replies)
- Contact Your Legislators Now! (0 replies)
- Was there any doubt? Gregory gets a pass (0 replies)
- Biden Confirms Plans to Go Around Congress to Take Your Guns (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Supreme Court to Hear Case (0 replies)
- Mark Alexander of the Patriot Post; Pledge (0 replies)
- Secret gun-rights provision in ObamaCare? (0 replies)
- Alex Jones Utterly Destroys Piers Morgan (0 replies)
- A Step in the Right Direction (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Bank of America is not our friend! (0 replies)
- Top Gun Grabbers In The House Of Representatives Exposed (0 replies)
- White House Prepares to Use Executive Action Against Guns (0 replies)
- The D.C. Clothesline (0 replies)
- Thank God and Sam Colt (0 replies)
- Sheriff Pulls Business From Dana Safety Supply (0 replies)
- Ten New Gun Bills Introduced On First Day Of Congress (0 replies)
- Democrats to Obama (0 replies)
- One More State in the CCW Struggle -- Teachers (0 replies)
- Police Woman asked to leave Resturant (0 replies)
- FBI says Hammers, & Clubs Kill more than Rifles (0 replies)
- Here am I; send me! (0 replies)
- Learning from the Newtown Tragedy (0 replies)
- A Challenge to Major Media (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- FBI: More Killed With Hammers, Clubs Than With Rifles (0 replies)
- County Sheriffs Can Block Federal Gun Control (0 replies)
- Americans never give up your guns (0 replies)
- San antonio shooting (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Illinois, wants to ignore Supreme Court Decision, and are trying to ban weapons! (0 replies)
- It is going to hit the fan (1 replies)
- Did You Know? (0 replies)
- Liberals Panic As They Lose the Gun Narrative (0 replies)
- Learning from the Newtown Tragedy (0 replies)
- Recieved Via E-Mail (0 replies)
- Own a gun? We know where you live (0 replies)
- [b]Own a gun? [/b]We know where you live (0 replies)
- 25 December 2012 (0 replies)
- A View From Down Under (0 replies)
- New York Governor: Gun Confiscation on the Table (0 replies)
- I recieved this VIa E-mail (1 replies)
- California Politicians Churning Out Anti-Gun Laws (0 replies)
- Armed Citizen saves Cop's life (0 replies)
- TN Considering Bill to Fund Training, Arming Teachers (0 replies)
- We Know How to Stop School Shootings (3 replies)
- PAGE NINE No. 119 -- SPECIAL -- (0 replies)
- Bill proposed to allow MO Teachers to carry with CCW In Schols (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Stop school shootings by letting teachers fire back (0 replies)
- Gun rights groups (0 replies)
- Gun lobbyist ready to give up (0 replies)
- Clackamas mall shooter faced man with concealed weapon (1 replies)
- Dianne Feinstein of California (0 replies)
- Attorney General Eric Holder (0 replies)
- Ruger M77 MkII Replacement Magazine. (0 replies)
- Fast & Furious: Officials Face Criminal Charges (2 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Court Strikes down Ill.Total ban of Carrying Firearms for self Protection (1 replies)
- President Obama is not qualified to be the President (3 replies)
- Marine Is Chained To Bed In Mexican Jail (0 replies)
- Should We Listen to Bob Costas or Jesus Christ? (0 replies)
- Jovan Belcher’s teammates (2 replies)
- George Zimmerman sues NBC (2 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Deconstructing n.y. Times' anti-firearms blather (0 replies)
- The Patriot Post, Mark Alexander (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- IBD Editorials (0 replies)
- World News Daily Article by Jeff Knox (0 replies)
- Dakota Shootin' - Schutzen cannon video 3 (0 replies)
- Martini Cadet's original cartridge (0 replies)
- Hows the new theme? (4 replies)
- Testing update (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Wells Fargo Bank now Anti Gun (0 replies)
- Another 4 Years...The assault has already begun (1 replies)
- Western Missouri Shooters Alliance (3 replies)
- Gun Rights Examiners (0 replies)
- Western Missouri Shooters Alliance (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America Post Elect. (0 replies)
- Mark Alexander of the Patriot Post (0 replies)
- Savage 219 b action assembly instructions (1 replies)
- Obsolete and/or Off Brand powder questions (0 replies)
- Dakota Shootin' - Blackpowder cannon (0 replies)
- 12 Year old Girl defends herself from Intruder (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Washington Secrets (0 replies)
- World News Daily reported on this (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Dakota Shootin' powder review - CFE223 (0 replies)
- BIDS vs NICS Part Two (0 replies)
- BIDS vs NICS (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- The UN Gun Control Treaty (0 replies)
- was this in your news paper (0 replies)
- New rules make it easier for ATF to seize guns without due process (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Gun ID legislation may trigger exodus of gunmakers Remington, Colt (2 replies)
- What happened to waiting periods for guns? (0 replies)
- Patriot Post, Founders Quote Daily (0 replies)
- Thursdays Column, Patriot Post (0 replies)
- GOA's Mid-year Report (0 replies)
- California State Senator Leland Yee's horrible SB 249 (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- calling attention to S.B. 249 (0 replies)
- Paul Ryan and the Gun Control Factor (0 replies)
- Second Amendment Foundation (0 replies)
- plated bullets (1 replies)
- The Truth About Guns (1 replies)
- Stopping the Tax Hikes (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Gun Owners Of America (0 replies)
- The Patriot Post, Friday Digest (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Alexander’s Essays (0 replies)
- The UN's Latest Attack on Liberty (0 replies)
- The Dark Knight Movie Massacre (0 replies)
- Lodgepole Schutzenfest 2012 - Video (0 replies)
- Jeff Knox wrote (0 replies)
- UN-believable (0 replies)
- Malia on break in Mexico (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- UN-Palatable (0 replies)
- Sad but not unexpected (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- F&F Bean bags against bullets (0 replies)
- The UN's Assault on Gun Rights (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Arms Trade Treaty (0 replies)
- Obamacare Will Affect Gun Ownership (0 replies)
- Lawmakers blast U.N. gun control (0 replies)
- The Gun Guys home defense/tactical shotgun conversion (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Whose Term of Service Expire in 2013 (0 replies)
- Speaker of the House (0 replies)
- Jpfo (0 replies)
- Jult 4th, This is what it is about! (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- The Price of Liberty (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Denny's Gets It! (0 replies)
- Bill Whittle: Follow the Ideology (0 replies)
- This just isn't right! (0 replies)
- Follow up on F&F Contempt Charges (0 replies)
- Gun ownership up, crime down (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Why we must win the Senate in 2012 (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- The Wisconsin Question: Do We Really Mean It? (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America can make a Difference (0 replies)
- Should Christians Support President Obama? (1 replies)
- This Must be stopped (0 replies)
- Hoplophobia Kills, Knox Report (0 replies)
- Taxpayer-Funded Anti-Rights Lobbyists (0 replies)
- Knox Report (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Fred Thompson (0 replies)
- Mychal Massie comments (0 replies)
- Remington hypersonic steel shotshell review (0 replies)
- Memorial Day 2012 (0 replies)
- Veteran Remembered Flag (0 replies)
- Jim Parks to be honored on CBS (0 replies)
- Jeff Knox Explains how we are paying the anti gun Lobbyists (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Fred Thompson (0 replies)
- And Obama SAys (0 replies)
- Fred THompson (0 replies)
- Fred Thompson's Field Report (0 replies)
- What next? (0 replies)
- Reverse Racism - this needs to circulate (0 replies)
- You need to read this (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- What France Says About Our Presidential Race (0 replies)
- The Next Election for Presidet will be the most important one yet (0 replies)
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