View Full Version : General Chit Chat
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- 2012 spring shoot video (0 replies)
- Florida Gov. Will Not Ban CCW'S During the Convention (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Hooray for Florida! (0 replies)
- Let’s Not Ignore November or Roll Over for Romney (0 replies)
- Sign the Petition (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Soros and obama vs. Sheriff joe arpaio (0 replies)
- George Zimmerman: Prelude to a shooting (0 replies)
- Patriot Post, Alexanders Essays (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- The Knox Report From the Firearms Coalition (0 replies)
- Who is Guilty in the Travon Martin Case? (0 replies)
- Townhall Chimes in on F&F (0 replies)
- Buck and Ball How to Range video (0 replies)
- Fast and Furious isn't dead (0 replies)
- Politics might convict Zimmerman, the law won't (0 replies)
- THe Patriot Post, Alexanders Essays (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Short list of things for compairison (0 replies)
- ATF engaging in new illegal activity (0 replies)
- Media Bias Anyone (0 replies)
- Town Hall (0 replies)
- Plop the other shoe fell (0 replies)
- Italian Gun Grease product review (0 replies)
- Race-Bait Political Hustlers (0 replies)
- Gas Prices (0 replies)
- Mayor Bloomberg: (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- "county sheriff project" (0 replies)
- Senator Roy Blunt of Missouri speaks out against Obamacare (0 replies)
- Supreme Court Rules Against EPA (0 replies)
- Wounded criminal loses lawsuit (0 replies)
- Double Barrel 45 ACP Semi-Auto AF 2011-A1 (0 replies)
- Tom gresham's gun talk newsletter (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- President Obama? (0 replies)
- Gun Ownersof America (0 replies)
- President Signs Executive Order (0 replies)
- On Sheep, Wolves, and Sheepdogs - Dave Grossman (0 replies)
- 6 SEconds (0 replies)
- Gun Ownersof America (0 replies)
- Velocity fireams VMAC-9 video review (0 replies)
- JPFO, The Battle of Athens, Tennessee, On August 1-2, 1946 (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Arizona sheriff finds Obama presidential qualifications forged (0 replies)
- Gangster Government and Your Guns (0 replies)
- The battle for gun rights goes on (0 replies)
- The Knox Report (0 replies)
- DOJ not only cabinet department deflecting Issa inquiry (0 replies)
- Obama Birth Cirtificate Fake (0 replies)
- Sheriff Arpaio vs. the legend of Barry Soetoro as Barack Hussein Obama II (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Where Does Romney Stand Today on the Second Amendment? (2 replies)
- Disabled Veterans National Foundation (0 replies)
- DOJ SHOT Show cases ‘falling apart’ (0 replies)
- Police Jail Homeowner for Catching Burglar (0 replies)
- Retired Marine is Top Gun at Sandwich Shop (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- The Greatest Gun Salesman In America (0 replies)
- Can you put your finger on the Problem? (0 replies)
- Imagine a Moratorium on Gun Control in 2012 (0 replies)
- The enemy within (2) (0 replies)
- POV MAC10 guncam/Vidcam review (0 replies)
- Reese Family Update-17 Feb 2012 (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Knee-Jerk Reactions (0 replies)
- If Obama Wins We Loose (0 replies)
- Dakota Shootin' ep 7 - Kalashnikov Krazy! (0 replies)
- Pro-second-amendment-anti-government-extremist (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Bloomberg reloads in push for gun control (1 replies)
- New Cato Study: Tough Targets (0 replies)
- Defeating Obama's Socialist Propaganda (0 replies)
- Impeach the President (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Fred Thompson Speaks of Romney (0 replies)
- Can you think for yourself (0 replies)
- Share this one with all you know (0 replies)
- President Snubs GA Court (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- For your information and Education (0 replies)
- Arizona Does What U.S. Government Won't Do (0 replies)
- Elliott Abrams Caught Misleading on Newt (0 replies)
- Dakota Shootin' ep 6 - Ridin' Shotgun! + custom knifemaker interview (0 replies)
- Romney’s Big Healthcare Lie (0 replies)
- Knox Endorses Heil in NRA Elections (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Missouri Senator Blunt on Keystone XL Pipeline (0 replies)
- Obama vs GA Court (0 replies)
- Examiner (0 replies)
- Romney responds to gun question (1 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Red State (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- The gun industry is fighting for your rights! Are you? (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Glock failure - video (0 replies)
- Presidential Hopefuls are Human (0 replies)
- All I wanted for Christmas (0 replies)
- The Knox Update (0 replies)
- Gun Running (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Gun Rights Examiner January 9, 2012 (0 replies)
- Dakota Shootin' Ep 5: The Rifleman (0 replies)
- Ccrkba (0 replies)
- Redstate (0 replies)
- Goa (0 replies)
- Western Missouri Shooters Alliance (0 replies)
- Gun Rights Examiner (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Gun makers baffled by ATF criteria (0 replies)
- Obama's Anti-Gun Agenda (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Western Missouri Shooters Alliance (0 replies)
- MILLER: Firing back at gun control (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- GOA Supports, Steve Daines, U.S. House of Representatives, Montana (0 replies)
- Dakota Shootin' Ep 4: Holiday Pistolero (0 replies)
- Beware Washington’s benevolence (0 replies)
- Goa (0 replies)
- Seasons Greetings (0 replies)
- GOA Year in Review for 2011 (0 replies)
- The Knox Update (0 replies)
- A Disturbing Case in New Mexico (0 replies)
- Attention Lamestream Media... (0 replies)
- Obama has don it now! (0 replies)
- It only takes 10 seconds, do it and pass it on. (1 replies)
- reloading project videos (0 replies)
- I Am The Gun Lobby-12 Dec. 2011 (0 replies)
- Post Office gun ban? (0 replies)
- Casting American Guns for Discovery Channel (Colorado) (0 replies)
- A point of interest by Larry S. (With Permissiom) (0 replies)
- GOP Ballot Support: AS of today: 12/12/11 (0 replies)
- Wisconsin Reborn Interesting read! (0 replies)
- Thought this might be of interest to you (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- A Disturbing Case in New Mexico (0 replies)
- Mystery company buying up U.S. gun manufacturers (0 replies)
- ATF used "Fast and Furious" (0 replies)
- Goa (0 replies)
- In Rememberance (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Jpfo (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America "Allert" (0 replies)
- Be Advised (0 replies)
- Vote obama out (0 replies)
- Congress Packs Firearms Riders in “Minibus” (0 replies)
- GOA Rep. Walsh to UN: No Gun Control Treaties (0 replies)
- Exposing the Guns to Mexico Lie (0 replies)
- Run up to 2012 Elections Means More Gun Noise (0 replies)
- Goa (0 replies)
- Latest on Fast and Furious with Rep. Paul Gosar (0 replies)
- Seattle Gun Rights Examiner (0 replies)
- ATF classifies Chore Boy pot scrubber pads NFA firearms (0 replies)
- Grey-Haired Brigade (0 replies)
- 10 year old boy defends mother (0 replies)
- Obama Campaign Starting Its 2012 Enemies List (0 replies)
- Little Noticed Provision Kills ATF Shotgun Ban Plans (0 replies)
- Testing new software (0 replies)
- Goa (0 replies)
- Goa (0 replies)
- Goa (0 replies)
- Go Figure (0 replies)
- winchester 94 (0 replies)
- Gun owners to count at the ballot box (0 replies)
- Page Nine No. 105 (0 replies)
- Goa (0 replies)
- Time For Citizens To Arm Themselves (0 replies)
- Goa (0 replies)
- Rep Walsh Calls for Attorney General Holder to Resign (0 replies)
- Dems still party of gun control (0 replies)
- A proposal by the Obama/Holder Justice Department (0 replies)
- Carry guns in Wisconsin (CCW) (0 replies)
- No tax dollars for gunrunning programs (0 replies)
- Palm Beach County may challenge Florida gun law penalties (0 replies)
- Fast And Furious (0 replies)
- (0 replies)
- Goa (0 replies)
- Goa (0 replies)
- Action Alert from The Firearms Coalition (0 replies)
- Hatch, Begich Support Second Amendment Rights (0 replies)
- Rehberg Measure to Protect Second Amendment Rights for Vets (0 replies)
- New Evidence Shows Hillary a Mastermind Behind Gunwalker (0 replies)
- Bank Allows CCW inside (0 replies)
- Issa blasts administration (0 replies)
- 10 AZ sheriffs seek investigation of 'Fast and Furious' (0 replies)
- National Association for Gun Rights (0 replies)
- The Patriot Poat (Founders Quote) (0 replies)
- (0 replies)
- Holsters, what can you tell me about them? (1 replies)
- Goa (0 replies)
- Goa (0 replies)
- Extracted from the Patriot Post (0 replies)
- Goa (0 replies)
- From the Patriot Post (0 replies)
- Goa (0 replies)
- Goa (0 replies)
- Goa (0 replies)
- The Oath Accountability Civil Action (0 replies)
- Third Gun Linked to 'Fast and Furious' (0 replies)
- Toying With Gun Control (0 replies)
- The Knox Repor From the Firearms Coalition (0 replies)
- THe Knox Report (0 replies)
- Self-Defense Against a Violent Flash Mob (1 replies)
- Western Missouri Shooters Alliance, GOA (0 replies)
- Goa (0 replies)
- The Knox Repor From the Firearms Coalition (0 replies)
- Western Missouri Shooters Alliance (0 replies)
- Western Missouri Shooters Alliance (0 replies)
- The Knox Repor From the Firearms Coalition (0 replies)
- The Knox Report, From the Firearms Coalition (0 replies)
- Goa (0 replies)
- THe Knox Report from the Firearms Coaliti (0 replies)
- Goa (0 replies)
- Goa (0 replies)
- Goa (0 replies)
- Goa (0 replies)
- The Knox Report fromthe Firearms Coalition (0 replies)
- Goa (0 replies)
- Goa (0 replies)
- SAF, NRA slam U.N. arms treaty (0 replies)
- Interview with a Texas Congressman (0 replies)
- Alexander's Essay – July 14, 2011 (0 replies)
- Goa (0 replies)
- Goa (0 replies)
- Antis: Wisconsin Too Drunk for Concealed Carry (0 replies)
- Demand Gunwalker Accountability (0 replies)
- Dear Republicans (0 replies)
- No-Knock Warrants from the Department of Education? (0 replies)
- Who Speaks for the Gun Owners? (0 replies)
- Goa (0 replies)
- This from the JPFO (0 replies)
- They Pleged their Lives , Fortunes, & their Sacred Honor (0 replies)
- Goa (0 replies)
- A Little good news in The Valley of the Gun (0 replies)
- House Democrats urge White House to come clean on Gunwalker (0 replies)
- Anti-campus carry editorial reveals ignorance-based fear (1 replies)
- Wyoming Adopts 'Constitutional Carry' of Firearms (0 replies)
- Accurate Mexican crime gun reporting better late than never (0 replies)
- Should shaving your beard be cause for federal terrorism scrutiny? (0 replies)
- Quit your anti-gun tantrum, Chicago (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
- Goa (0 replies)
- Gun Owners of America (0 replies)
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