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05-01-2010, 08:34 AM
I could have just shot of a quick "thank you" PM, but I think it's appropriate to let everybody know.

We have a fairly new member here who goes by TheOldGraybeard. He got PM spammed by one of those lowlife slimeballs almost before he made his first post. (AAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!) Hell of a welcome. He forwarded it to me immediately so I could BAN the bugger who sent it, which I did.

Anyway, he and I have since been bouncing PM's back and forth and as it happens he has a bunch of GC's he can't use and wants to unload them. Some of them I could use and the price was right, so I told him I'd send him a MO, which I got into the mail yesterday. I got the package of them today (USPS - Flat Rate box) all the way from the west coast. To get them that fast, he obviously had trusted me enough to put them in the mail immediately upon getting my mailing address, on the strength of my word alone.

I am quite vocal when used badly, but I feel it's even more important to speak up when I get the red carpet treatment from someone, and I sure got it from him.

So, for the record: Do not hesitate to do business with this gentleman, he's OK.

I cleaned him out of .30's, .32's, and .35's, but he's got a bunch left in other sizes still available. We don't have a classifieds section here and there is a minimum number of posts before anything can be offered next door on The Guide, so PM him if you need GC's. (In fact, he can post his list right here in this section if he wants rather than wait.) ;)

05-01-2010, 06:27 PM

I understand what you are saying about great people.
We all run across them every now and then. It is one of the greatest feelings when you get to deal and chat with people that are that trusting. It really makes me feel good when I find people that have mailed the stuff before I have paid for it and I live in a different Country.


05-01-2010, 08:55 PM
I'd rather believe Canada includes New Hampshire than that it sits north of Massachusetts. (Except for the handgun bit, but it's even worse down there.) :mrgreen:

05-10-2010, 04:15 PM
That was very gracious of you, Versifier. I missed it because I still am not much of a forum rat.

Personally, I don't see any difference in me trusting you to send the money when you say you will, versus you trusting me to send the goods after receipt of payment. It's all the same...we both are trusting the other guy to do what he says he'll do...

As to gas checks, I need to dispose of the following:

1. .270 cal. a bunch of 'em...thick brass, look like a crimpable, like Hornady.

2. .346 cal. a few hundred...also a thick GC.

3. 7mm. a box of Hornady...probably full, will check before selling.

4. 7mm. another box...looks like Hornady, but not in orig. box.

5. .41 cal. Lyman/Ideal, not full, but several hundred.

6. .22 Lyman/Ideal. Full box. I pealed the factory seal off to check it...

All the partials and indefinites will be counted by weight on a digital scale. If you are interested, please send a PM, as I don't check the other parts of the forum consistently. Thanks again to Versifier....TOG