View Full Version : DISCLOSE Act to be voted on as early as Tomorrow!

Kelly J
06-23-2010, 01:49 PM
DISCLOSE Act to be voted on as early as Tomorrow!

Nancy Pelosi is planning to call for a vote on the outrageous "DISCLOSE Act" as early as tomorrow, Thursday, June 24, and it must be stopped!

The Disclose Act is the politicians' response to the Supreme Court overturning the McCain-Feingold Incumbent Protection Act (Ironically called a Campaign Finance Reform Act) and would make it much harder for activist organizations to get their messages out to voters in the 60 days before an election.

GunVoters were outraged last week when NRA agreed to not oppose the patently unconstitutional measure in return for a "carve-out" exempting NRA from the provisions of the law.

While outrage about NRA's unprincipled position is completely valid, the brunt of voters' anger must be directed toward killing the bill.

The carve-outs for large groups like NRA and AARP just proves that the objective of the bill is to block the voices of the little guys - you and me - and that is not just unconstitutional and elitist, it is simply wrong.

Contact your Representative immediately and let them know that you oppose the "DISCLOSE Act" and expect them to vote against it.

A vote for the "DISCLOSE Act" is a vote against the Constitution and the First Amendment and that means it is a vote against America.

Do Not Delay. Contact your Representative Now! Tell them to vote NO on DISCLOSE!

More information about this and many other issues of importance can always be found at www.FirearmsCoalition.org.
For contact information for your Representative go to www.House.gov. There is a "Find Your Representative" tool in the top left corner of the page.

Yours for the Second Amendment - and the entire Constitution,

Jeff Knox
Director, The Firearms Coalition


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