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View Full Version : My proposal to Regain Control of Government

Kelly J
09-01-2010, 10:17 AM
My proposal to Regain Control of Government
Of the People, By the People, and For the People!

This is an attempt to clear out, and get the Government back on a footing with the American People, and regain our Republic Form of Government, For Which it stands. GOD Bless America!
Bear in mind that to serve as a United States President, Legislator, or Supreme Court Justice, is an act of Community Service to the Country not a Career Job.

· Return the Government to the United States Constitution as written and Ratified by the People!
· First off it has been established that a President can not serve more that two 4 year terms as President, so Term limits are not out of the question, so I have included a proposed Constitutional Amendment in line with Article V of our Constitution to set term limits on members of the Legislative Branch of Government.
· When the President leaves office after serving his terms he will be entitled to the Same Compensation as that of a SS retiree, and be Eligible for Medicare/Medicaid the same as a SS Retiree would be.
· Propose a Constitutional Amendment to limit terms of the Senate to two 6 year terms in Office, and the House to 6 two Year terms in Office. This should still allow for a Continuing flow of Government and eliminate the Good old Boy Club, at the same time. The new Oath of Office will help to get the Congress to do the Peoples work not the Legislators agenda. I would also add that upon leaving Office at the end of their served term, that they be allowed to receive a retirement compensation equal to that of a SS retiree, without any of the Special Medical Benefits afforded a Legislator while serving Active Service to our Government. But they will be eligible for Medicare/ Medicaid.

· All Candidates must sign a pledge to cut spending everywhere they can and reduce the size of the Government to within The Constitutional Provisions laid out. Knowing that a Violation of this pledge is grounds for removal from office, and forfeiture of any compensation, and will be barred from ever holding any Public Office of trust in the future.
· Abolish the IRS, Trash the current Tax Code completely, and institute the Fair Tax, Start with a Tax of 30%, for an immediate trial, if it does as I am convinced it will after the first two years cut the rate back to 23%, and see how well that works, At no time would it ever be raised above the first 30% and can not go below 1%.
· As part of the Oath of Office there will be added a clause that “I agree never to approve the spending of non Constitutional Funds, or any Pork Barrel Projects, and I am here to Representative of the People of My State, not My Party.
· Agree to eliminate any Government Programs and or Departments that are not authorized by the Constitution, with the Exception of SS, Medicare, Medicaid, as these programs are a Contract with the People, but these Programs will be monitored very closely for any fraud, or Misuse. The Supporting funds for these Three Programs will be put into a separate Fund, totally away from the reach of the Congress, these funds can only be used for the purpose intended, unless approved by the Recipients for emergency reasons, and once the reason has been taken care of it goes back into the former state, and the funds used will be repaid out of the General fund ASAP, no longer will people be subject to Governmental Theft of our Money.

· The Appointment of Supreme Court Justices must come from the Law Practice and by Sitting judges, that will observe the Written Constitution as it was ratified by the people and any changes to the Constitution will be done through the Article V Constitutional Process, no more Legislation from the bench, the letter of the Law will be observed at all times, and by all Judges, State or Federal, without exception.
· Under no circumstances will any Judge, Legislator, or President allow or approve of any plan, Treaty, or agreement that would in any way undermine or attempt to nullify any part of our Constitution or surrender any part of our National Sovereignty.
· All bills proposed by any Legislator must include as part of the bill from where within the Constitution the Proposal gets its Constitutional Authority to become a Law if Signed. A review by the Supreme Court Justices for the Constitutional Content of the Proposed Bill/Legislation, after approval by both Houses, and prior to the President Signing it into Law. If the Bill/Legislation does not pass Constitutional Scrutiny it will be returned to the House of Representatives for Correction or a rewrite, then resubmitted to the normal Process for final approval.
· The confirmation of appointed justices to the Supreme Court Bench will be conducted by the Senate Judiciary committee, as usual but with out the hearings being on the TV. Dog and Pony Shows are not in the best interest of the Process and serves only to provide a Political Platform for the Parties to flex their political muscles. I would also add that any Justice that renders an Unconstitutional Decision to any case before the Court should be removed from the Court and not be compensated in any way for any past service to the Court. I would also make it mandatory that any Justice serving on any Federal Court will retire at the age of 70 Years, and awarded a modest Retirement not to exceed that of a SS Retiree. And any Health Benefit Received while a Justice serving on the Bench of the Supreme Court shall also expire at the end of their Service To our Country. But they would be eligible for Medicare/Medicaid, same as a SS retiree.
· Last but not least; Any Violation of the Oath of Office or Conduct of any member of the United States Congress, will be dealt with without predigest, and brought to a swift conclusion, if the conduct is of a nature that warrants Removal from Office, it will be done immediately, and there will be no benefits owed to the ousted member, and they will be forever barred from holding any public Office in the Future.

This proposal submitted this 31st day of August in the year of our Lord 2010. It is in no way binding, as it has no Constitutional Authority other than my Freedom of Speech. And my desire to see our Country return to the Greatness it once was.

I am fully aware that these proposals will not sit well with a lot of people especially the Government, but I honestly think it is long overdue that "WE THE PEOPLE" take an active part in the Government, espeially the Control of it.