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Kelly J
09-20-2011, 04:48 PM
Gun Owners of America


The Second Amendment
is Coming Under Fire!

Vote could occur as early as Wednesday

Earlier this month, we alerted you to the fact that Congress will have an opportunity to defund some of the anti-gun programs that the Obama Administration has foisted upon the American people.

Well, we are sorry to report that the congressional leadership is not yet listening to you. The House will soon be taking up H.J.Res. 79, which bundles all 12 appropriation bills to fund the federal government for the next month and a half.

According to GOA’s sources on Capitol Hill, this bill contains:

NO DEFUNDING of ObamaCare;
NO DEFUNDING of Operation Fast & Furious which was used to demonize American gun owners, while helping send arms to Mexican drug cartels;
NO DEFUNDING of requirements that will register American gun owners in the Southwest -- regulations that were instituted by the Obama Administration as a way of deflecting attention from their involvement in Fast & Furious;
NO DEFUNDING of the shotgun and rifle import bans; and,
NO DEFUNDING of the Administration’s ability to engage in negotiations on an anti-gun small arms treaty.

ACTION: We need to redouble our efforts. Please use the pre-written letter to contact your congressman, and urge your friends and family to do the same. Time is of the essence!

Tell your Representative to stake out a position early and publicly that they will oppose any continuing resolution which does not defund ObamaCare, Fast & Furious, the illegal long gun multiple sales regs, the illegal shotgun and rifle bans, and the UN negotiations to produce a treaty which will register American gun owners.
Click here to send a pre-written letter

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Gun Owners of America
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102
Springfield, VA 22151 703-321-8585
http://gunowners.org/ Contact Form

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