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Kelly J
12-29-2011, 10:48 PM
December 29, 2011 Gun Owners of America http://gunowners.org/

Wishing You and Richard Mourdock a Happy New Year

Together in 2012, We Will Defeat the Most Anti-gun Republican Senator in Washington

Happy New Year from all of us at Gun Owners of America

And we would also like to extend best wishes to Indiana State Treasurer Richard Mourdock, who is challenging anti-gun Senator Richard Lugar in next year’s Republican primary.

Dick Lugar is without a doubt the most anti-gun Republican in the U.S. Senate.

He voted in favor of President Obama’s two picks for the Supreme Court -- Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan -- who deny the existence of an individual right to bear arms.

Lugar voted against repealing the gun bans in national parks and in Washington D.C.

He voted in favor of waiting periods for handgun purchases and he supports banning many semi-automatic firearms.

And Lugar was the only Republican Senator to refuse to sign a letter opposing a massive UN small arms treaty.

As you can imagine, Dick Lugar is one of the anti-gunners’ best friends in the Senate.

Gun Owners for Mourdock

Richard Mourdock is a 100% gun rights supporter who will come to Washington to protect and defend the Second Amendment rights of all Americans.

Mourdock, a licensed pilot who was successful in the private sector for over 30 years before running for office, understands that gun ownership is a fundamental, individual liberty that must be safeguarded in a free society.

I encourage all gun owners and sportsmen to stand with Richard Mourdock in this important primary election. We also want to show Lugar and his Washington cronies that Richard Mourdock has the support of grassroots gun owners.

So please make the most generous contribution you can by clicking here. A strong finish in 2011 will help to give Richard Mourdock momentum heading into the May primary.

Thank you for your support of GOA, and for your support of Richard Mourdock. Together we can defeat the most anti-gun Republican Senator in Washington.


Tim Macy
Vice Chairman

P.S. The year end campaign finance reports are an important marker for candidates, so thank you for considering a contribution before the New Year. Also, “like” Richard on Facebook and thank him for his support of the Second Amendment.
