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Kelly J
01-06-2012, 09:18 AM
January 06, 2012 Gun Owners of America



Santorum Surges, but Still No Gun Rights Survey

Rick Santorum emerged as the latest conservative alternative to Mitt Romney in Tuesday’s Iowa caucuses, placing second to Romney by a mere eight votes.
Santorum, a former U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania, currently holds a “B-” rating from Gun Owners of America. That indicates he was with us for much--but not all--of the time he was in office.
It is troubling, therefore, that Santorum still hasn’t returned the GOA presidential survey.

Mitt Romney also has not returned a survey, but we know why. He’s already come out in support of massive gun control initiatives such as a semi-auto ban and waiting periods for gun purchases. Romney is the real RINO in this race (Republican In Name Only) -- as evidenced by the fact that anti-gun Senator John McCain just endorsed him. We also know that Rick Perry has an excellent record on guns as Texas’ governor, and that Representative Ron Paul is A+ rated and has a perfect voting record in Congress.

Even Newt Gingrich, whose record on gun rights is far from perfect, returned a survey.This makes it all the more important that Santorum clarify his positions by completing the Gun Owners of America presidential survey.

The questionnaire asks about banning firearms, registering gun owners, and supporting a massive UN gun control treaty--as well as the candidates’ views repealing existing gun laws and other issues important to gun owners.

There are nearly 100 million gun owners in America. If Santorum is positioning himself as the alternative to Romney, then he shouldn’t ignore this vast constituency as it continues to asses the candidates.

ACTION: Please contact the Santorum campaign right away and urge him to complete the GOA survey.

You can send an email directly to his New Hampshire office at Team NH@ricksantorum.com or you can also call his New Hampshire office at 603-518-5199. You can also contact Rick through his webform at http://www.ricksantorum.com/contact-us.

Please call or email today and urge Mr. Santorum to fill out his GOA survey. The New Hampshire primary is right around the corner, so this is the best time to get his attention.

Tim Macy Vice Chairman
