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Kelly J
01-25-2012, 10:57 PM

What have been effects of politics and new media on 'Gunwalker'?
David Codrea
January 25, 2012

"I am crediting you with being the first to really report on the 'gunwalking' scandal and for covering it extensively on your blog," a student at a prominent law school who is doing a paper on Fast and Furious congressional investigations wrote to me. He then asked me for my take on two fundamental points:

How well have the Republicans pursued this investigation, i.e., has it been effective politically?
What are yout thoughts on the use of new-media tools (such as the blogosphere and Twitter, where Darrell Issa and his staff are quite active) to further the storyline?

Good questions, and it's nice to see the topic being explored in legal academia. I thought I'd share my answers with Gun Rights Examiner readers:
