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View Full Version : Fred Thompson Speaks of Romney

Kelly J
02-01-2012, 12:19 PM
Dear Friend and Supporter,

The greatest fear I have for my country is that its current leaders have forsaken freedom and opportunity and instead have us on a path of debt, dependency division and decline. One of the darkest examples of this is ObamaCare.

The next President of the United States must make it a priority to repeal ObamaCare and its taxes, its cuts to Medicare, its requirements, subsidies, and health care exchanges. Only a full repeal can reverse the damage this monstrous new government program will cause.

If we are going to repeal ObamaCare, we need to nominate someone who we know will make it a priority. Mitt Romney is not that candidate. RomneyCare is nearly identical to ObamaCare in every significant way. Beyond just the individual mandate, both plans implement price controls, create new government bureaucracies, and make large cuts to other healthcare programs.

As conservatives, we simply cannot afford to nominate the man who built the model for Obamney Care. That is why we are launching a $1 million Stop ObamneyCare Money Bomb. Newt Gingrich is the candidate who will put this country back on the path to freedom and opportunity, will give voice to the concerns and frustrations of the American people, and will make it a priority to repeal Obamney Care.

If you believe, as I do, that repealing Obamney Care should be job #1 for our nominee, and if you believe that Newt Gingrich is the best candidate to do just that, then make a donation today to the Stop ObamneyCare Money Bomb.

With the support of great Americans like you, we can not only nominate Speaker Gingrich and repeal ObamneyCare, but we can rebuild the America we love.

Fred Thompson