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Kelly J
03-27-2012, 09:53 PM

Mayor Bloomberg: Trayvon Martin Shooting Makes The Need For Gun Control All Too Clear

by admin on March 27, 2012 · 9 comments Print This Post

Here are some of the remarks Bloomberg made when asked March 26 about the killing, per our Reuven Blau:

“Your heart just has to go out to the parents. I just pray for the deceased, but this really just struck a nerve in a lot of people across the country.

“We should be perfectly clear about this — the gun lobby is writing our nation’s gun laws. It’s a disgrace. They write them in Washington. They write them in the state capitals. And the result is that our children are being killed. Our police officers are being killed. You and I and our families are in danger — in greater danger than we should be.

“The ‘stand your ground’ laws, as they are called, are opposed by law enforcement and opposed by prosecutors. I think both groups think that the ‘stand your ground’ laws encourage violence.

“And there’s another issue which I didn’t read very much about: The shooter, this guy Zimmerman, how could he have had a permit to carry a concealed weapon? A loaded gun in the first place? Because long before he shot Trayvon Martin, he was arrested for attacking a police officer and was the subject of a court order to prevent domestic violence.

“But unfortunately, in Florida the gun laws are very lax. And law enforcement officials have never been able to revoke this guy’s license to carry a loaded gun in public. If that’s not bad enough, just two days after the shooting, two U.S. senators introduced bills that would allow people like George Zimmerman to carry guns in public nationwide.

“This is just the craziest thing. Only in America. We have more guns than people. The rest of the world is looking at us incredulously. We are letting people kill our citizens. We have killed more people with hand guns—which may or not have been illegal — in this country since Martin Luther King and RFK were assassinated back in ’68. We’ve killed more Americans than died in World War II. Something like over 400,000 Americans. Where is the outrage? You know you’ve got to think about it.

“We have this bipartisan coalition of something like 650 Mayors across the country. We are leading the fight against this bill. It’s a terrible reminder of the dangers we all face and as a matter of fact we are looking for lawyers who want to volunteer their time and help us in the fight.”

Tell Congress & Obama: No Small Arms Treaty! The United Nations wants to make all weapons come under the CONTROL of international law – and Obama is eager to give away our gun rights to them.

This article was written by Celeste Katz; full article at NY Daily News …


Tagged as: Gun Control, mayor bloomberg, michael bloomberg, Trayvon Martin