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Kelly J
04-11-2012, 12:19 PM
Reid to Push Gun-Grabbing Judge for Nevada!
-- Sen. Dean Heller blocks anti-gun nomination

Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is attempting to push yet another radical anti-gunner through the U.S. Senate. This time it’s Elissa Cadish, who flatly denies that the Second Amendment protects a fundamental right.

Asked in 2008 by a group called Citizens for Responsible Government whether she believed an individual citizen had a constitutional right to keep and bear arms, Cadish answered:

“I do not believe there is this constitutional right. Thus, I believe that reasonable restrictions may be imposed on gun ownership in the interest of public safety. Of course, I will enforce the laws as they exist as a judge.” [sic]

Now, she claims that she was only stating the law as it existed before the Supreme Court’s Heller v. D.C. decision.

But let’s count the “red flags” raised by Cadish:

First, the “militia” theory was not “the law” prior to Heller, either in terms of the Framers’ intentions or in terms of the Supreme Court’s admittedly muddled jurisprudence.

Second, the concept that “restrictions ... on gun ownership [further] public safety” is a thinly veiled suggestion that, once on the bench for life, Cadish will do everything possible to thwart gun owners’ rights.

Third, we’ve heard the “enforce the law” lingo from other Obama nominees, including Sonia Sotomayor, who, as soon as she had secured confirmation, went on an anti-Second Amendment rampage.

Thankfully, Nevada’s other Senator, Dean Heller, is using his prerogative as one of the nominee’s home state Senators to keep this confirmation from moving forward.

It’s called the “blue slip” procedure, an informal custom in which the Senate refuses to move on a nominee that does not have the support of his or her own Senators.

But in response to Sen. Heller’s standing firm, every gun-hating liberal in Nevada -- including Harry Reid -- have crawled out of the woodwork to blast his efforts to protect the right to keep and bear arms.

Sen. Heller is not backing down from this fight, in the face of enormous political pressure from the White House and the powerful Majority Leader. We need to encourage him to continue to hold firm, and to rally other Senators in opposition to this nominee.

ACTION #1: Send Senator Heller an email at info@deanheller.org. Thank him for opposing the confirmation of Elissa Cadish on Second Amendment grounds, and for standing up to Harry Reid and the Obama machine.

ACTION #2: Contact your own Senators and urge them to join Sen. Heller in opposing Elissa Cadish.
Click here to send a prewritten message to each of your Senators.
