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Kelly J
05-03-2012, 02:02 PM
Gun Owners of America


Rep. Issa Pushing Contempt Order Against Eric Holder
-- Time to double-down and get Speaker Boehner behind this effort

Rep. Darrell Issa has now finished making his case for holding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress.

Holder, who once stated he wants to see kids brainwashed into supporting gun control, has presided over a Justice Department that helped smuggle thousands of illegal guns into Mexico, all for the purpose of justifying greater restrictions upon firearms in the U.S.

This Fast & Furious scandal has resulted in the deaths of more than 300 Mexican nationals, plus two U.S. federal agents.

Issa has published a pair of documents that makes the case for pinning contempt charges on Holder and has sent them to every member of his Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

Issa’s case is based, in part, upon the fact that Holder’s Justice Department “has yet to provide a single document for 12 out of the 22 categories contained in the subpoena schedule.” In many cases, documents provided by the Department have been completely or mostly blackened out.

Sources on Capitol Hill believe that Issa has the votes to push a contempt citation out of committee. However, it is unclear whether House Speaker John Boehner is supportive of such a citation.

Fox News reports “that Boehner and House Republican Leader Eric Cantor do not want to deal with a contempt citation against Holder because ‘it’s off message for them.’”

Well, gun owners need to help Boehner see that this is “on message” for him. This is a quest for justice, as Eric Holder needs to be held accountable for the lies, deceptions and dead bodies left in the wake of Fast & Furious.

Already, more than 100 congressmen have called for Holder’s resignation. Holding Eric Holder in contempt could bring a fine of $1,000 and a year in jail.

ACTION: Please ask your Representative to urge House Speaker John Boehner to get fully behind a contempt citation against Eric Holder.
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