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Kelly J
05-30-2012, 07:03 PM
Gun Owners of America


Texas Sends Two Pro-gun Constitutionalists into July 31 Runoffs

Don’t mess with Texas!

The Lone Star State is on the verge of electing a U.S. senator who may be as bright, conservative, and effective as any senator in memory.

And, were this not enough, Texas may be about to elect a House member who will send House do-nothings scurrying for the exits.

The ground-breaking Senate candidate is Ted Cruz, who, last night, forced Texas Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst into a runoff. Dewhurst fell a few percent short of the votes needed to avoid the runoff.

The Cruz-Dewhurst mid-summer runoff election on July 31 -- coming at a time when RINO Republicans won’t bother going to the polls -- has been described by the mainstream press as Dewhurst’s “worst nightmare.”

Fighting to fill the seat vacated by Texas Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, Cruz was endorsed by Sarah Palin, Rick Santorum and the Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund.

While Dewhurst concentrated on buying the election with $13 million from his immense fortune, Cruz appealed to voters by standing up for the Second Amendment and a range of constitutional rights.

Cruz has also been an outspoken critic of Eric Holder’s Fast & Furious program.

And, just as important, Cruz has the momentum -- almost overtaking Dewhurst in votes actually cast on Election Day, notwithstanding a heavily divided conservative field.

But that’s not all.

Former Congressman Steve Stockman -- who was the preeminent proponent of Second Amendment rights during his tenure in the House in the 1990’s -- is apparently headed for a July 31 runoff with a political novice to represent Texas CD-36 in a heavily Republican district.

Stockman’s opponent in this runoff has consistently refused to turn in his GOA survey, and this is usually an indication that the candidate is hiding anti-gun views.

As a Congressman in the mid-1990s, Stockman took the lead in the House in calling for the repeal of the Brady Law, the semi-automatic ban, and other anti-gun laws. He would often confound even conservative colleagues by using GOA-arguments in closed-door meetings on Capitol Hill.

There is no one -- no one -- on the political horizon that will be the pro-gun fire-breather that Stockman will be.

And there is no one who will stand up to the compromising leadership in the House -- to oppose the sell-outs and “grand bargains” which will inevitably come, no matter who is elected president.

But here’s the bottom line: Ted Cruz and Steve Stockman need your help. Both of these races are very “doable.” It is a fact that the second place finisher often wins during a runoff election.

So please go to http://www.tedcruz.org to make a contribution to Ted Cruz.

And please visit http://congressmanstevestockman.com to make a contribution to his campaign.

One more word: Texas is a heavily Republican state, as is the 36th CD. Whoever wins these two July 31 runoffs will be well on his way to representing you and the Second Amendment in Washington. So please act now.


Tim Macy

Paid for by Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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