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Kelly J
07-01-2012, 02:58 PM
ObamaCare Hurts Small Businesses, Must Be Ripped Out By Its Roots
Posted by Speaker Boehner's Press Office | July 1, 2012 | Watch It Here


With millions of Americans out of work and wages stagnant, Speaker John Boehner says the Supreme Court ruling has strengthened the resolve of the American people to fully repeal the president’s health care law (and its massive tax hike) which is driving up costs and making it harder for small businesses to hire:


MORE THAN 30 JOBS BILLS: The numbers don’t lie: Republicans are focused on jobs. President Obama and Senate Democrats are not. See here and here.
#FULLREPEAL: Speaker Boehner told CBS News Face the Nation that the president’s health care law is hurting our economy and must be “ripped out by its roots.”
STEP-BY-STEP: After fully repealing ObamaCare, Boehner says Republicans will take a “common-sense, step-by-step approach” that “will protect Americans’ access to the care they need, from the doctor they choose, at a lower cost.”
10 REASONS TO REPEAL: Small businesses are “afraid to hire new employees” under ObamaCare -- and nine other reasons we need full repeal.
#STOPTHETAXHIKE #4JOBS: The House will vote this month on a bipartisan plan to stop President Obama’s massive tax hike, which takes effect in 183 days.
KEYSTONE XL: While the House and Senate agreed on a bill to reform America’s infrastructure programs and stop student loan rates from doubling, Democratic leaders continue to block Keystone XL and the thousands of jobs it would create.
FAST & FURIOUS: A bipartisan majority of the House voted to hold the Attorney General in contempt for not fully cooperating with the investigation into ‘Fast & Furious’ and the death of border agent Brian Terry. Learn more here and here.


Speaker Boehner’s Press Office | H-232 The Capitol | 202-225-0600
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