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View Full Version : UN-Palatable

Kelly J
07-20-2012, 08:58 AM
by JeffKnox » 12 Jul 2012 11:59

Message from Jeff Knox regarding the pending UN Arms Trade Treaty

It is important to understand two things:
1. Unlike cloture or many other procedures in the Senate requiring a 2/3 vote, the vote to ratify a treaty is not 2/3 of the full Senate, but rather 2/3 of senators present and voting (assuming a quorum is present). That means that sneaky politicians could stage a midnight vote when most senators who oppose the treaty were not present. It's a long-shot, and there are procedural protections to try and keep such things from happening, but remember how the healthcare bill was passed. Ratification of this treaty, while still very unlikely, is much more possible than most people think.

2. More importantly, the immediate impact of this treaty would very likely mean an end to surplus ammo availability and an almost certain end to parts kits of military arms. It would also have a devastating impact on numerous countries teetering on the brink of social upheaval. The right to arms is part and parcel of the right to self-defense and it is a basic, fundamental human right that should be universally recognized and respected. The US should actively oppose any treaty that diminishes the right to arms for any people anywhere, and should also oppose any treaty that is going to negatively impact US citizens' ability to acquire the ammo, guns, and parts we want.

The Second Amendment recognizes Americans' God given right to arms. The spirit and principles of the Second Amendment apply to all peoples in all nations.
Don't just ask Senators not to ratify this treaty, demand that they vehemently reject it and do everything they can to derail this aberration before it is foisted on an unsuspecting world.

Jeff Knox