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Kelly J
07-26-2012, 01:17 PM

Alexander’s Essays

Thursday Column
Leftists Reset Their Sights on the Second Amendment
Memo to Republicans: The Topic Is Liberty, Not the 'Rights of Hunters'
By Mark Alexander · July 26, 2012

Thursday Column
Leftists Reset Their Sights on the Second Amendment
Memo to Republicans: The Topic Is Liberty, Not the 'Rights of Hunters'
By Mark Alexander · July 26, 2012

"The ultimate authority ... resides in the people alone. ... The advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation ... forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition." --James Madison (Federalist No. 46)
The Palladium of Liberties
In the wake of the tragic mass murder in Aurora, Colorado, last week, three groups weighed in on the "gun problem."
Predictably, the first two groups were Obama and his Leftist cadres, including his Leftmedia sycophants, who never "let a crisis go to waste" to advance their political agenda.
In what amounts to a major policy shift for Obama, he has made a political calculation that proposing new "gun control" measures will be a winning issue this fall. For the last two decades, gun control has been a losing proposition for Democrats, but in a desperate measure to create campaign traction, the King of Hubris has decided he can turn that around. Make no mistake, this may be a policy shift but Obama has a long history of Second Amendment opposition.
Obama was banking on the Supreme Court overturning his socialized medical care agenda so ObamaCare could be the centerpiece of his campaign, but Chief Justice John Roberts disabled that strategy.
Obama can't win on "jobs" or the success of his socialist "economic recovery plan," though, astoundingly, he is still trying to sell it as a success. From the guy who recently claimed "the private sector is doing fine," and, "If you've got a business -- you didn't build that, somebody else made that happen," comes this assertion about Mitt Romney's plan to cut taxes and spending: "[Previous administrations] tried that and it didn't work." Of course it did work, but what Obama said next is the acme of his obfuscation: "Just like we've tried their plan, we tried our plan -- and it worked. That's the difference. That's the choice in this election. That's why I'm running for a second term."
Read the Entire Story Here: http://patriotpost.us/alexander/14234/