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Kelly J
08-01-2012, 08:25 AM
Gun Owners of America


Gun Owners Sweep Three Key Races!
Congress will not be the same next year

In the future, when people think back to the 2012 elections, there will be a few watershed moments that will stand out.

Tuesday, July 31, will be one of those significant dates and moments.

Gun Owners of America jumped behind three important candidates early on during this election cycle. And GOA is happy to report that all three candidates won yesterday in their respective run-offs or primaries: Ted Cruz for Texas Senate, Steve Stockman for House District 36 in Texas, and Rep. Paul Broun in Georgia.

Congress will not be the same next year, as a result.

Ted Cruz is a 100% gun rights supporter with a proven track record of leadership. As the former Texas Solicitor General, Cruz pulled together a coalition of thirty-one states to support the Heller case in arguing that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to keep and bear arms.

Steve Stockman, as a Congressman in the mid-1990s, drafted legislation to repeal gun control laws from the books. Rep. Stockman also opposed every single attempt to restrict your gun rights, earning a perfect A+ rating from GOA and every national gun group in the country. Like Cruz, he will be a powerful advocate for 2nd Amendment rights.

And then there is Rep. Paul Broun in Georgia. For the past several years, he as been THE pro-gun leader in the House of Representatives. As the head of the Second Amendment Task Force in Congress, Broun has used his platform to advance pro-gun legislation and rally opposition against gun control.

Cruz, Stockman and Broun are all the heavy favorites to win in November.

GOA needs your help

GOA continues to go state by state to get rid of the people who threaten gun rights and put fresh faces into the Congress.

But to do that, we are going to need your help. We desperately need to get the gun records of candidates -- challengers and incumbents -- into the hands of hundreds of thousands of voters, and then to mobilize them this Fall.

This nation needs effective leadership in the Congress -- statesmen, not politicians, who will be willing to buck even their own leadership in order to support the Constitution.

There are, literally, hundreds of races at the federal and state levels where GOA will be active. But in order to be successful in exposing anti-gun candidates at all levels -- we are going to need your help.

We need your assistance in educating and mobilizing gun rights voters all around the country. Please click here to make your contribution to Gun Owners today! Thank you in advance for your help.

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