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View Full Version : Wells Fargo Bank now Anti Gun

Kelly J
11-13-2012, 08:56 AM
Sunday's (11/111/12) DUF Digest by Steve Wenger included this interesting little clipping and URL:

Wells Fargo vs. the RKBA: BMADDOX ENTEPRISES, LLC, doing business as FFL123.com, South Dakota Silencer and North Dakota Silencer, has been banking with Wells Fargo in South Dakota since inception. Over the last few years, the firearms industry has experienced unprecedented growth. This growth can be partially attributed to the NRA (National Rifleman Association) and NSSF (National Shooting Sports Foundation) working on public relations to enhance public opinion related to firearms ownership and the hunting sports, although a significant impact can be attributed to the left-leaning Obama Administration and gun owners' fears of harsh new firearms regulations... Vice President of Business Banking at Wells Fargo, called Friday Nov 2nd to alert Mr. Maddox, owner of BMADDOX ENTERPRISES, that Wells Fargo would not extend business credit or loans to any firearms related business, period. "Your credit is impeccable and your business model is sound, but our corporate legal department will not allow us to extend credit to any business related to firearms. We understand you are fully licensed under federal and state law, although…the corporate directive is still no." … (I hope that Wells Fargo does not count on armed police to protect its offices or the armed forces to protect the nation in which it does business.)


I wonder how many shooters and firearms enthusiasts have Wells Fargo bank accounts and credit cards. Apparently Wells Fargo doesn't want your business.