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View Full Version : Bill proposed to allow MO Teachers to carry with CCW In Schols

Kelly J
12-21-2012, 08:31 AM
Western Missouri Shooters Alliance: http//.wmsa.net


Mo. Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Allow Teachers to Carry Weapons in Schools
December 19, 2012
by Macradee Aegerter and Jason M. Vaughn

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Less than a week after a gunman shot and killed 26 people in a Connecticut elementary school, lawmakers filed a bill in the Missouri House that would allow teachers and school administrators with a concealed weapons permit to carry guns on the job.

The bill was filed on Tuesday by two Republican state representatives – Mike Kelly and Rick Brattin, who says it was drafted more than seven months ago, long before the tragedy in Connecticut. He does however say that last Friday’s shooting is a perfect example of why a law like this is needed.

Twenty of those shot on Friday were young children, while the others, teachers and administrators, some whom law enforcement say died while trying to shield their students from the rapid gunfire being aimed their way.

“These domestic terrorist, they absolutely, they thrive on seeking out the innocent and the easiest targets available and that unfortunately happens to be our schools,” said Brattin, who says the need to protect our children in schools is greater than ever. “We entrust our teachers to get them out of a burning building, you know, get them into the basement if there’s a tornado, to shape and mold their minds and educate them throughout their whole career. But the thought of the most educated people in our workforce you know not having the know how with the proper training to protect our kids in an event like this, I go kind of blank on that.”

“We shouldn’t be afraid of the gun. It’s not there to scare and fear-monger. It’s there to save their lives if need be,” Brattin said.

Kansas City Teachers Union President Andrea Flinders says there are too many cons to the idea of teachers carrying guns in schools for this to be a viable option.

“I think its ridiculous. I don’t think that teachers should be carrying guns. I don’t think violence is the answer. And the biggest thing I don’t think is I don’t think its going to solve the problem,” said Flinders.

The Superintendent of Kansas City Public Schools, Dr. Stephen Green, says he will not support this bill.

The legislative session begins in early January. The bill will still need to go through a long process before it could come to a vote.