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Kelly J
01-08-2013, 10:13 PM
Nearly 1,000 Ohio Educators Apply for Firearms Training
posted on January 8, 2013 by da Tagliare

Should teachers and school administrators be armed?

In the wake of what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School, the question of allowing teachers and school administrators to carry concealed weapons at school has been a hot topic of debate. But while the nation debates the issue, teachers and administrators in some states are taking action.

Federal law states that a person must have a concealed carry permit in order to be in possession of a firearm on school property. But states have different laws. Ohio’s laws also require a concealed carry permit PLUS the approval of the local school board in order to possess a weapon on school property.

Knowing the Ohio laws, Buckeye Firearms Foundation has offered free attendance to educators to their Armed Teacher Training Program which will provide educators with the necessary information to help them obtain a conceal carry permit. The cost of the program is $1000 which covers room, board, ammunition and other materials supplied during the course. Since they are a non-profit organization manned by volunteers, it helps keep the cost down. They are covering the costs of the course with monies they have raised and donations from other sponsors.

Buckeye Firearms Foundation only has room for 24 openings in the program. By January 2, they had over 650 applicants and I just heard on the local news that the number of applicants has climbed to over 900 and more are coming in every day. Nearly 20% of the applicants are from principals and vice principals.

So while politicians, both liberal and conservative wage their debate on the ethics and the practicality of allowing firearms in schools or banning them from every American, teachers are clamoring for firearm training and concealed carry permits. Perhaps those are the people we need to be listening to.

Read more: http://godfatherpolitics.com/8880/nearly-1000-ohio-educators-apply-for-firearms-training/#ixzz2HRGVhGtt