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View Full Version : Majority of Young Americans Against Banning ‘Assault Weapons’

Kelly J
02-03-2013, 12:02 PM
http://news1.teapartyinfo.org/HM?a=ENX7CqkKARs_8SA9MKJOuAjnGHxKLL1Qu_cStGb5lw8W0 bBhOG5mpqVsje_HhdDcblFv

Majority of Young Americans Against Banning ‘Assault Weapons’

You know President Obama and his allies are losing the gun argument when his greatest supporters are against him: Reason/Rupe released a scientific poll which found the majority of Americans–particularly young Americans–support the right of people to own so-called “assault weapons.” ... Read the rest here:

http://news1.teapartyinfo.org/HM?a=ENX7CqkKARs_8SA9MKJOuAjnGHxKLL1Qu_cStGb5lw8W0 bBhOG5mpqVsje_HhdDcblFv