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View Full Version : ALEXANDER'S COLUMN, THe Patriot POst

Kelly J
02-14-2013, 11:31 AM


Obama's Progressive State of Disunion

Pinocchio/Picasso Politics -- All Lies and Distortions

By Mark Alexander · February 14, 2013

"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." --Article II, Section 1, Constitution of the United States

OK, truth be told, I didn't actually watch Barack Hussein Obama's fabulous State of the Union Address on Tuesday night. I missed all the phony fanfare, pompous posturing, thespian theatrics and teleprompted NeoCom propaganda, instead devoting that evening to something more productive -- cleaning our family's defensive weapons (what BO calls "assault weapons").

Read the Entire Article Here:


Kelly J
02-14-2013, 11:37 AM
Kelly Jarboe in Blue Springs, MO
Thursday, February 14, 2013 at 1:16 PM

The SOTU Address given by the Imposter in chief was at best a punch line best delivered by a real comedian.

The President has told most of these lies before and he still thinks we are going to believe him.

He totally irritates me when he looks up from the Tele- Prompter and into the Crowed to see if he got the response he was hoping for, which was all the Democrats jumping to their feet, to support his fool hardy Agenda, and for the most, part they did.

I did note however that the Republican side remained seated throughout most, if not all of his Presentation, that in and of it self was not very impressive, as the majority side lack a spine anyway, so to stand would be a real effort on their part.

The Democrats make me ill when they attempt to use the Bodies of Children to promote their anti gun agenda, and another thing that really gets me is the fact that not one person in the Legislative Body, has held the anti gun group on Capitol Hill accountable, for the violation of their Oath of Office, in the blatant intent, to gut if not to totally remove, the Second Amendment, of the United States Constitution.

I would remind them, that the last time attempts were made to disarm the Citizens of this Country, it didn’t go as they planned, I would refer them to the History involving the Concord Event, which as was stated in the History Books as “The Shot Heard Around The World”. Oh but I forgot they don’t teach History anymore do they? Perhaps they should, then we would not be repeating the Errors of the past, but if that were the case the President would not have any ideas to guide his administration or his goals!