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View Full Version : GA sheriff says no

Kelly J
02-19-2013, 11:12 PM

February 19, 2013 by Tim Brown
GA Sheriff: No One Is Coming To Our State & Violating The Second Amendment!

Sheriff Clay N. Whittle of the Columbia County, Georgia Sheriff’s Department, one of the largest Sheriff’s departments in the State of Georgia, has come out openly and stated that he will oppose Federal and State legislation that attempts to infringe on the Second Amendment rights of the citizens of Columbia County. He has also joined other sheriff’s in Georgia like Scott Berry in Boycotting Dana Safety Supply for his department’s needs, since the company will not sell semi-automatic rifles to civilians.

Sheriff Whittle is proud to promote his department, stating “We are now one of only a few law enforcement organizations in the country to meet the standards necessary to gain the distinction of accreditation. We are also recognized as the first Sheriff’s office accredited in the State of Georgia. Accreditation impacts citizens through consistency of services and professional delivery, and creates a work environment that is performance based.”

In other words, when Whittle state what he states, it is coming from the mouth of a sheriff whose office is nationally recognized and accredited.

Whittle is a member of the Georgia Sheriff’s Association, who have stated their position on the current gun control debate on the front page of their website. According to the GSA:

The sheriffs took an oath to support the Constitution and will stand by the 2nd Amendment. The sheriffs will aggressively oppose federal or state legislation which infringes upon law abiding citizens’ right to bear arms.

The sheriffs further agree to support any legislation that would effectively penalize criminals who use firearms in the commission of crimes.

In an interview with Freedom Fighter Radio, Sheriff Whittle was asked about his stand and the statement of the GSA, along with what people have to fear or not fear in regards to potential gun grabs talk that is coming out of Washington, D.C.

The Georgia Sheriff stated that he didn’t know exactly what was going to come out of Washington just yet. He did say that there were,

“people were introducing bills that make absolutely no sense whatsoever, but the bottom line with the Georgia Sheriffs is…. that we took an oath to support the Constitution, to include the Amendments, and that we are not going to allow anyone to come into the State of Georgia and violate the Constitution or it’s Amendments, and that specifically carries with it defense of the Second Amendment.”

When asked to define his understanding of what the Second Amendment is and what it is all about, Sheriff Whittle said that he believed the Founding Fathers were not sure that the Constitution, before the Amendments, spelled out strongly enough what they believed were their God given, inalienable rights. “One of which was for self defense,” Whittle expounded, “and to defend themselves against tyranny.”

“England was who we just had a war with and fought and won our independence from because of their tyrannical government,” Whittle continued. “The original signers of the Declaration (Constitution) wanted to make sure that people understood that it was about defense of the country against a tyrannical government.”

Columbia County Sheriff Clay N. Whittle
He went on to point out that some people talk about “hunting rights” and “self defense,” but Whittle says that “is not the case.” He went on to elaborate saying that the Second Amendment was put into the Constitution by the Founders to “defend the country, both from outside and inside tyrannical governments.”
In a final question posed to Whittle, he was asked what his response is to those in the media and people like Gordan Duff of Veterans Today who reference National Rifle Association (NRA) members as “the enemy” or Larry Pratt, of Gun Owners of America being lumped in as “dangerous people.”

“It’s preposterous!” exclaimed Sheriff Whittle. “The people that make these kinds of statements are simply afraid of something in their own mind and in order to change their fear, they attempt to legislate you and I. It does not make any sense and I don’t believe the average American is going to stand for that.”

Sheriff Whittle is joining a growing voice of sheriffs around the country like Scott Berry, Ron Bruce, David Clarke and others, including police chiefs, who are reminding people of the value of the Second Amendment and standing up to tyrannical threats from the Federal government and State legislatures who are Hell bent on disarming the American populace.

Take time to contact your police chief or sheriff in your local area. Find out if they support the stand that these men are so courageously taking and give them your support.

You can hear the full interview here.

Additionally, Georgia Sheriff Scott Berry was also interviewed on Freedom Fighter Radio and you can hear that interview here. Finally, Police Chief Mark Kessler, who I wrote about concerning his desire to have citizens as a “reserve force” against federal intrusion, will be interviewed on Arising Republic Radio this Friday, February 22, 2013 at 9pm EST.