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View Full Version : Trafficking Bill Passes Out of Judiciary Committee

Kelly J
03-07-2013, 11:55 PM
Trafficking Bill Passes Out of Judiciary Committee
Vote is 11 - 7 with Grassley Sole Republican Supporter

The Firearms Coalition's Chris Knox and Jeff Knox have been busy exposing problems with the legislation.

The brothers penned a short op-ed piece for USA Today newspaper pointing out the fact that gun law enforcement inevitably migrates toward prosecution of innocent mistakes while ignoring active criminals.

That piece can be read here:


Jeff has a more comprehensive column on the subject published on World Net Daily which can be accessed here:


It is worth noting that the specific language of the bill makes it a federal felony to purchase a gun from a dealer on behalf of anyone else - regardless of that person's legal ability to own a firearm, but only makes purchasing a gun for someone else from a private seller a felony if that person is prohibited from owning a gun.

We urge readers to contact their elected servants in the US Senate and tell them that the threats inherent in this legislation far outweigh any good that the law could do. This legislation places firearms dealers and purchasers at great risk for minor mistakes - just look what's been done to the Reese family. If they want a "Trafficking" law, it must be targeted at people engaging in the criminal enterprise of illegally dealing in arms, not people duped by a "friend," dealers duped by a customer, or people just trying to avoid paperwork and delays.

Tell Senators that this bill is totally unacceptable in its current form.

If you haven't contributed to the work of The Firearms Coalition lately, please consider making a financial contribution today. The price of a box of ammo can go far in helping us spread our No Compromise message to politicians and the public. If you include a mailing address, we’ll add you to the distribution list for our bi-monthly newsletter, The Hard Corps Report.

To contribute to The Firearms Coalition on-line with a credit card by going towww.FirearmsCoalition.org and clicking on the "Donate" button in the left margin. (Note: There is a separate button for donations to the Reese Family Defense Fund. We bundle all of those contributions directly to the Reese Defense Fund with nothing going toward The Firearms Coalition. We actually pay the transaction costs as part of our own contribution to the Reese's defense fund.)
You can also contribute by sending checks or money orders to The Firearms Coalition, PO Box 1761, Buckeye, AZ 85326.

The Firearms Coalition was formed by Neal Knox in 1984, and we’ve been fighting for your rights ever since, but we can only be effective if we have your help.

Thank you for your support and commitment. Please share this Action Alert with your friends who support the Second Amendment.

Yours for the Second Amendment,

The Firearms Coalition

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