View Full Version : PAGE NINE No. 121

Kelly J
04-01-2013, 08:05 AM
I've created this special feature for the print media and broadcasters ("Page Nine" regardless of where it runs),
that covers stories afresh, not the way news rooms typically flavor things. It will help reduce the distrust
so many news consumers feel and could be the most avidly followed item you carry -- if you carry it.
It certainly is well received by my audience. This casual sample might make you say, "We'll NEVER run that!"
but Page Nine is built around ad revenues from clear-thinking mainstream businesses.


1- Background Gun Check Records Are Saved
A "firearms background check" under the federal NICS system is just a code word for gun registration, everyone involved knows that. No one serious about gun rights accepts what the media and the left are calling universal background checks. When the feds built the $250 million NICS computer, they publicly claimed it couldn't even erase a record. I documented all that when it went live in 1998 (http://www.gunlaws.com/updates.htm). How soon we forget. It's the lead story below.
2- Communist China Cyberattacking U.S.
3- Voting's Not Working
4- Schumer Offers Nothing
5- Closing Builds Business?
6- Federal Stingray Exposed

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Author Alan Korwin
Photo by Jeremy Voas (not shown here)

The Uninvited Ombudsman Report, March 31, 2013
by Alan Korwin, Bloomfield Press

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