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View Full Version : The Firearms Coalition

Kelly J
05-26-2013, 09:40 PM
The Firearms Coalition: http://www.firearmscoalition.org/

Here's the latest news from The Firearms Coalition
Please share it with your friends. If you wish to opt-out of this list,
please let us know.

** Attrocious Gun Laws Assault Gun Owners
Read about one guy learning the hard way. *
*Some want to make this about the guy, but it's about the bad laws. Dustin
Reininger is no saint, but what's happening to him in New Jersey is a sin.

** Lying for Money - and to Steal Your Rights
The anti-rights lobby doesn't just twist statistics, they make them up -
then keep repeating the lies even after they're uncovered.

Both of these stories, and much more, can be found on our web site,
http://www.FirearmsCoalition.org <http://www.firearmscoalition.org/>

*Don't forget that the Senate will probably renew efforts to expand
background checks and criminalize private transfers soon.
**Should you go to jail for swapping guns with a regular shooting buddy?
Call your senators every day, or at least once a week, and let them know
that you don't want any new gun control laws. *

*No New Gun Laws! No Bans. No "Universal Background Checks." No
Dangerous New "Anti-Trafficking" laws. No Compromise!*

*The Capitol Switchboard number is 202-224-3121.*

*Please forward this E-Update to every freedom-loving American you know.*

If you're not a *Supporting Member *of* The Firearms Coalition,* we invite
you to step up now to help us fight for your rights. Formed by Neal Knox
in 1984, The Firearms Coalition has been fighting for your rights for
almost 30 years, but we can only be effective if we have your help. Please
visit our web site at
FirearmsCoalition.org<http://www.firearmscoalition.org/> and
make whatever contribution you can afford. Visit us on
and share our columns and information with your friends and family.
Together we can protect our rights and save our republic.

Yours for the Second Amendment,

The Firearms Coalition
[image: Inline image 1]

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