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Kelly J
05-30-2013, 09:29 PM
Page Nine 124 – Background Checks are failing, 5/30/2013

The Most Dangerous of All Phobias by Bruce N. Eimer, Ph.D., ABPP
and Alan Korwin, Author, Gun Laws of America.

First in a series

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The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:

Rep. Trey Gowdy (Rep., SC) asked AG Eric Holder why so few failed background checks lead to prosecutions. Holder didn't answer. Trey actually helped him off the hook, sympathizing about the low "jury appeal" of NICS-denial cases.

But after all, attempting to buy a firearm if you're an escapee, felon, fugitive, jihadi, certified mental case, illegal alien, renunciant, drug lord, etc., is a five-year federal felony, on top of filling out the form falsely, on top of handling the gun before trying to buy it.

That's what the NICS background check finds and prevents, or so we're led to believe. What happens to all those attempted criminals? Then the AG ducked and dodged about seeking to grant illegals citizenship (which would remove them from the prohibited possessor list, by the way). All media follow these things but it somehow didn't make the "news" (watch five juicy minutes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaxZeA9VscI).

Here are the numbers since NICS checks began. The lamestream has kept this out of the debate for reasons that become immediately obvious:
You will have to access the site to see the Chart of numbers, I was unable to get it posted.