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Kelly J
06-20-2013, 08:51 PM
Gun Owners of America


We're Winning on Guns and Amnesty

But we need to cut off Obama’s escape routes

“The reason President Obama's gun control proposals were killed [is] because hundreds of thousands of Americans began slamming the phone lines, and all of the Senators that were leaning towards supporting it suddenly said, ‘Holy cow, the folks back home don't like this.’ [There] is nothing more powerful than the conservative grassroots when we are engaged and letting our voice be heard.”
-- Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), June 19, 2013

Your grassroots efforts are making a world of difference on Capitol Hill. But we need to keep the pressure on if we are going to defeat the anti-gun amnesty bill.

We’ve asked you repeatedly to focus your attention on the Senate bill; today, we take a brief look at the House.

But first, here’s a brief update on White House efforts to resurrect gun control.

Biden’s plug goes virtually ignored by media

If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound?

We’ll never know. Joe Biden’s Tuesday press conference to renew his push for gun control went almost completely unreported. The notable exception was an MSNBC report that the NSA scandal made gun control less likely than before.

The liberal media, instead, spent the last couple of days lamenting that “the air had been take out of the push for [the anti-gun immigration bill].”

What will Boehner do on anti-gun amnesty?

While pro-gun House members held an anti-amnesty press conference, your calls and e-mails to “swing” senators lowered the chances that key members of the Senate GOP might go for a do-nothing sell-out “compromise.”

As Senator Ted Cruz told Rush Limbaugh yesterday, “[There] is nothing more powerful than the conservative grassroots when we are engaged and letting our voice be heard.”

All the while, House Speaker John Boehner told reporters, to their horror, that he wouldn’t bring an anti-gun amnesty bill to the floor over the objections of a majority of House Republicans. According to anti-gun reporter Anne Kornblut of The Washington Post: “That’s a real tough one.”

And California Congressman Dana Rohrbacher predicted that Boehner would lose his job if he violated that pledge.

So have we won yet?

Boehner was asked by anti-gun reporters whether he might send a conservative immigration bill to a House-Senate conference –- and allow the conference to turn it into an anti-gun monstrosity. When asked whether he might rely on Democrats to pass an anti-gun conference report, Boehner replied: “We’ll see when we get there.”

So that’s today’s task: To make sure Boehner doesn’t use an anti-gun House-Senate conference to circumvent Republicans in the House.

ACTION: Click here to contact your Representative. Ask him to insure that no House-passed immigration bill be sent to conference with an anti-gun amnesty bill from the Senate.


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