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Kelly J
11-19-2013, 03:34 PM
logo Gun Owners of America


The Race that could Unseat Anti-gun Harry Reid
as Senate Majority Leader
Do all you can to help Steve Daines get into the Senate!
Gun Owners of America is proud to endorse Congressman Steve Daines for Montana's open U.S. Senate seat.

Steve Daines has been a vocal leader for protecting the Second Amendment from the first day he was elected to Congress in 2012. He is a much needed addition in the Senate to stop the Obama/Harry Reid anti-gun push, especially stopping the ratification of the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was recently asked why he wasn't pushing more anti-gun legislation for the President and other anti-gun leaders like Dianne Feinstein. Reid's answer was that he just doesn't have enough votes right now! He said nothing of the fact that these anti-gun bills were un-Constitutional; no, he’s just upset because he doesn't have the necessary votes to pass them.

That’s why we need to take anti-gun Harry Reid out of his leadership spot in the Senate! But if we are going to do that, we must win 6 Senate races across America -- and the Daines race is absolutely crucial to our effort.

Steve Daines needs your help -- both volunteer and financial:

* For all of our Montana friends of GOA, please email, Tweet, or connect on Facebook with Daines for Senate and volunteer your help with the campaign.

* For all members across America, please donate at www.stevedaines.com, or you can send a check to: Steve Daines for Montana / P.O. Box 1598 / Helena, MT 59624.

Those of you who live in states that have two anti-gun Senators, this is your unique chance to affect next year’s elections. This is the “vote” you can cast that will really make a difference. You can impact this race by donating to the “Steve Daines for Montana” campaign.

You can join the campaign efforts via Twitter by connecting with @DainesforMontana and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/SteveDainesforMontana.

This is considered the number one U.S. Senate seat by most organizations who want to stop Harry Reid and President Obama from destroying our country and our Constitution. Please join the Daines for Senate team today. Thank you.

Tim Macy
Vice Chairman
Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund

Paid for by
Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee

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Springfield, VA 22151 703-321-8585
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