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Kelly J
02-13-2014, 04:15 PM
logo Gun Owners of America


GOA Political Victory Fund Endorses Ben Sasse
for United States Senate
Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund is proud to announce our endorsement of Ben Sasse for United States Senate in Nebraska.

Born and raised in Nebraska, Ben is a native of the Midwestern United States. He understands the importance of hard work, and is more than ready to represent the citizens of Nebraska and protect them from the destructive overreach of federal gun control laws.

Educated at both Harvard and Yale, Ben has worked in both the private and federal sectors. Ben has extensive knowledge of the political process, which will help him to defend our liberties in D.C. against anti-gun Senators like Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer and Dianne Feinstein.

That’s why Ben Sasse wants to go to Washington. He knows that it’s not just enough to be a good vote. We need leaders on constitutional issues.

Ben knows the importance of scaling back the size of the federal government, which is welcome news to all law-abiding gun owners. He is an expert in health care law, which is exactly what we need in the United States Senate right now. Specifically, Ben has been outspoken about the dire need to repeal ObamaCare which is an anti-privacy and anti-Second Amendment monstrosity.

We know that Ben will be committed to protecting your Second Amendment rights while he is in the U.S. Senate. Gun Owners of America has interviewed Ben, and his dedication to upholding the Second Amendment is clear and strong. We need more stalwart defenders of the Second Amendment in Washington, D.C., and Ben will help shoulder the burden of fighting against the gun grabbers dedicated to eviscerating the Second Amendment.

For more information regarding his campaign, please visit https://www.sassefornebraska.com/ to find out how you can get involved in making Ben Sasse the next U.S. Senator from Nebraska.


Tim Macy

Vice Chairman

Gun Owners of America

Paid for by
Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee

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