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Kelly J
03-07-2014, 09:57 PM
logo Gun Owners of America


GOA Helping to Neuter Obama's Gun Control Agenda
Gun rights advancing, despite adversity

“GOA was the first group to jump in and help with my legal expenses. They really made a difference.” -- Connecticut gun owner (and state senate candidate) Walter Reddy, thanking GOA’s Larry Pratt for helping him to get his guns returned from overzealous prosecutors


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There’s been a lot going on around the country, and Gun Owners of America has been at the center of much of it. We thank our grassroots for their involvement in these efforts and for taking action on our alerts.

While this alert will show where we stand right now, please make sure you see the ACTION ITEM at the bottom.


Gun Owners of America has been working with legislators in several states to prohibit state and local officials from enforcing Barack Obama's gun control agenda.

Go here to read more about these efforts -- and to see what you can do to add your voice in opposition to the recent anti-gun regulations promulgated by Health and Human Services. http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=113&session=2&vote=00048


Despite the fact that the Senate blew up its own rules in order to destroy the filibuster, anti-gunners were not able on Wednesday to trot out the 50 votes needed to break a filibuster of the nomination of Debo Adegbile to be Assistant Attorney General.

You can go here to read more about this vote. http://www.gunowners.org/alert372014.htm
And here to see how your Senators voted. http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=113&session=2&vote=00048


An amazing example of civil disobedience is occurring in the state of Connecticut, but the national media is hardly talking about it.

Go here to read more about this story and to see what GOA is doing in the state.


The big story this week relates to Eric Holder’s justice department, which will shortly announce NICS changes that would result in the permanent seizure of large numbers of firearms by executive fiat -- and make it harder for gun owners to get their seized firearms back.

Regularly, GOA receives pleas from members who have had guns seized by police, both legally and illegally. The common thread is that law enforcement is seldom cooperative in returning the firearms.

Sometimes police challenge the gun owners to “sue us.” And when there is a form and a procedure, authorities frequently ignore deadlines to respond.

Under Obama’s proposed changes, most gun owners with seized guns would have to go through a new NICS check. Since 8% of NICS checks produce “yellow” responses -- and 95% of these are false negatives -- you can be sure that few of these 8% are ever going to get their seized guns back.

In addition, Obama would create a centralized computerized registry of veterans and others who failed background checks.

Gun Owners of America will ask Congress to defund these lawless and unconstitutional actions.

ACTION: Contact the three key players in the House Appropriations Subcommittee, who have the power to include legislation to “defund” Obama’s anti-gun Executive Actions in the appropriations bills that will be moving over the next few weeks. http://www.gunowners.org/alert372014.htm

Those three key players are Frank Wolf (R-VA), Robert Aderholt (R-AL) and Andy Harris (R-MD). Those who live in these districts, can contact them by cutting-and-pasting the letter below and using their webforms. Those who live outside of the districts can contact them by fax or phone.


Rep. Frank Wolf, Chairman of the Commerce, Justice and Science Appropriations Subcommittee

* Webform: https://wolf.house.gov/contact/email-me#.UxjBhqYo6vE

* Phone: (202)225-5136

* Fax: (202)225-0437

Rep. Aderholt, Vice-Chairman of the Commerce, Justice and Science Appropriations Subcommittee

* Webform: http://aderholt.house.gov/email-me2/

* Phone: (202)225-4876

* Fax: (202)225-5587

Rep. Harris, the most actively pro-gun member of the subcommittee

* Webform: https://harris.house.gov/contact-me/email-me

* Phone: (202)225-5311

* Fax: (202)225-0254

----- Pre-written letters to Reps. Wolfe, Aderholt & Harris -----


I urge you to include legislation to "defund" Obama's anti-gun Executive Actions in the appropriations bills that will be moving over the next few weeks.

Eric Holder's justice department will shortly announce NICS changes that would result in the permanent seizure of large numbers of firearms by executive fiat -- and make it harder for gun owners to get their seized firearms back.

Regularly, Gun Owners of America receives pleas from its members who have had guns seized by police, both legally and illegally. The common thread is that law enforcement is seldom cooperative in returning the firearms.

Sometimes police challenge the gun owners to "sue us." And when there is a form and a procedure, authorities frequently ignore deadlines to respond.

Under Obama's proposed changes, most gun owners with seized guns would have to go through a new NICS check. Since 8% of NICS checks produce "yellow" responses -- and 95% of these are false negatives -- you can be sure that few of these 8% are ever going to get their seized guns back.

In addition, Obama's unilateral actions would create a centralized computerized registry of veterans and others who failed background checks.

So please make sure that upcoming appropriations legislation contains language to "defund" Obama's Executive Actions.



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8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102
Springfield, VA 22151 703-321-8585
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