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Kelly J
05-23-2014, 09:11 PM
logo Gun Owners of America


Victory for the Second Amendment in GA-10
Dr. Jody Hice in July Runoff
On Tuesday, Georgia voters went to polls and sent a strong message to the anti-gun establishment in Washington, D.C.

Dr. Jody Hice finished first in the Georgia Republican Primary, receiving 33.5% of the vote. Now Dr. Hice and his campaign are gearing up for the Republican Runoff on Tuesday, July 22nd

This win is a huge step forward in making sure that Georgia’s 10th Congressional District remains home to a 100% pro-gun leader – and it’s a huge win for gun owners across the country.

Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund proudly endorsed Dr. Hice early on in his campaign because of his avid defense of the Second Amendment, something that this lifelong Georgian is passionate about.

Jody has used his popular talk radio show to advocate for your Second Amendment rights for many, many years. He has always defended your right to keep and bear arms, and he never backs down from the attacks of the anti-gun Left.

He and his wife are both gun owners, and they know that the true meaning of the Second Amendment is not about hunting, but about your God-given right to defend your life from the tyranny of any aggressor.

We need principled individuals like Dr. Hice safeguarding liberty in the halls of Congress.

Even if you don’t live in Georgia, please visit the Hice campaign site for more information and to make a contribution in this important race.

It is crucial that we all continue to rally behind Dr. Jody Hice the pushes forward to victory.


Tim Macy
Vice Chairman
Gun Owners of America

P.S. The runoff for Dr. Hice will be held on Tuesday, July 22. Please visit www.jodyhiceforcongress.com to make a contribution of $20, $50 or whatever you can afford to give!

Paid for by
Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund.
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee

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Springfield, VA 22151 703-321-8585
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