01-11-2007, 07:44 PM
I have owned my encore for almost a year and I always have trouble with the first group. At 100 yards my first group is always 5 inches spread out. After the fouling shots and the barrel warms up, I can easily hold between a 1 to 2 inch group.
I am using the Thompson heavy Barrel and shooting 25.06. I have been shooting for a long time as well as reloading and feel it's not the operator. This problem happens with all diffrent rounds used.
Any idea?
01-12-2007, 09:11 AM
Welcome to the forum, Hoppes.
This type of problem is sometimes encountered with break actions, though not often. I may be wrong about this, but here are my thoughts: I agree that it is not operator error. Essentially what you have is a free floating barrel that is not rigidly attached to the action. When it warms up, the barrel moves more than would the barrel of, for instance, a bolt action. My best guess as to the cause is it could be that the barrel was not effectively stress relieved (in which case, an inexpensive cryo treatment should cure it). If this happened to a handgun with iron sights at a relatively short distance, it would not be as noticeable, but, the higher the magnification, longer the barrel, more solid the rest, greater the range, etc., the more apparent this kind of problem would be. I really don't think it is a mechanical defect, and it can't be cured by bedding the action and/or varying the forend pressure as would be the quick and easy remedies with a different action type. While this might be something you could work around if it were a target rifle, that would be a royal PITA, and in a hunting weapon it is totally unacceptable.
If it were me, this is what I would do about it:
First, I would write a FRIENDLY and POLITE letter to T/C explaining the problem and asking for their advice. Not an email, but an actual hold-it-in-your-hand letter. Include contact info like phone# and edress so someone with a clue can get back in touch with you easily. T/C has, in my experience, an excellent CS department, but many people start off on the wrong side of them by getting on the phone when they are all pissed off and taking it out on the poor schmuck who happened to answer the call. I'm not sure that they can suggest a solution, but they might want to examine it themselves before making a determination. And, as I may be wrong about the cause, someone there may know better and be able to deal with it easily. They may send you a new barrel, or they may be unable to offer you a solution, but I'd give them a chance before I did anything else.
Second, if you have no luck with T/C, have the barrel cryo treated (cost $25-30)and then straightened if necessary. When the stress is relieved, sometimes the metal will move, depending on the particular stress points and their locations along the barrel.
Third, if all else fails, sell the barrel on Ebay for more than you paid and get another one. :mrgreen: Most of them are fine and you have a rare occurrance. I have seen the problem once with a Contender, and more than once with a Handi-rifle, and it is a rare thing.
01-12-2007, 07:19 PM
Thanks for the great reply. I did speak with a T/C tech. today and his thoughts were similar or the same as yours. He said it's not often, but he has seen a few barrel's that were not heated evenly in the heating process and could perform the same. He also said they would most likely replace it. I've had several dealings with T/C and can only say the best about them. I just hope my pet loads remain somewhat close.
Thanks again and I will let you know how it works out,
04-05-2007, 06:16 PM
Shipped the barrel to T/C and waiting for a report. I will post as soon as I get more info.
05-27-2007, 08:04 PM
I finally sent my barrel into T/C. The gunsmith did find a problem with the barrel and replaced it with'in 6 weeks. I now shoot one fouling shot an inch high and the other four group one inch @ 100 yrds. As usual, Thompsons service is top notch!!!
05-28-2007, 01:37 PM
That's excellent news. I have had a very positive encounter with them recently, too. I am pleased to report that both their excellent customer service and their long commitment to Hunter Education and the volunteers who teach it have not been effected in the least by the S&W buyout.
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