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Kelly J
05-14-2008, 03:28 PM

Ride on!: “I am more determined than ever to carry on this campaign.” —West Virginia victor Hillary Clinton “What I hear and what I see is all about how we’re going to finish this nominating contest—which we will do. Then we will have a nominee and we will have a unified Democratic Party and we will stand together and we will defeat John McCain in November and go on to the White House [insert Howard Dean scream here].” —Hillary Clinton

Non Compos Mentis: “I trust the American people to understand that it is not weakness, but wisdom to talk not just to our friends, but to our enemies, like Roosevelt did, and Kennedy did, and Truman did.” —Barack Obama “Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states, I think, one left to go... Alaska and Hawaii I was not allowed to go to.” —Barack Obama

Dumb and dumber: “That’s the kind of thing those people that aren’t for us say. You know, they think we’re dumber’n we are. I know, cuz I grew up in a place like this, and I figured out that people are just as smart here as anywhere else. But they ain’t figured it out yet.” —Bubba Clinton

Promise to raise taxes: “I will raise CEO taxes. There is no doubt about it... If you are a CEO in this country, you will probably pay more taxes. They won’t be prohibitively high. They’re—you’re going to be paying roughly what you paid in the ‘90s, when CEOs were doing just fine. I want to eliminate the Bush tax cuts.” —Barack Obama
Race bait: “You could have predicted West Virginia 20 years ago on this one. These people made up their mind in ‘57.” —MSNBC’s Chris Matthews “It’s raised some eyebrows because even though campaigns plot or chart these things behind the scenes, they don’t often come out—a candidate doesn’t often come out and say ‘whites are supporting me.’ Did [Hillary] make a mistake? Is this politics, old-style politics?” —NBC’s Matt Lauer to John Edwards re Hillary

On the Veep-stakes: “[Barack Obama] needs a Bible-thumping, gun-owning, white guy from a swing state [for his vice presidential pick]. I mean, maybe that’s who the party should have nominated.” —ABC’s Cokie Roberts

Painting class: “There is no question that the Republicans will try to do to Obama what they did to Dukakis: paint him as a liberal, out of touch with the values of average (white) Americans, so far left that he has left America.” —Fox News’ Susan Estrich “You know they’re going to paint you... as a classic tax-and-spend liberal Democrat, that you’re going to raise the taxes for the American people and just spend money like there is no tomorrow when it comes to federal government programs. You ready to handle that kind of assault?” —CNN’s Wolf Blitzer to Obama **Nobody needs to “paint” anything; Obama has routinely declared he would raise taxes and grow government.

From the “Moral Dyslexia” Department: “McCain has a choice to make: in the past month, he has wobbled between the high and low roads, at one point calling Obama the Hamas candidate for President after a member of that group ‘endorsed’ the Senator from Illinois. If McCain wants to maintain his reputation as a politician more honorable than most, he’s going to have to stop the sleaze.” —Time’s Joe Klein attempting to “warn off” John McCain from actually campaigning to win the presidency
“Here are the Obama rules in detail: He can’t be called a ‘liberal’ (’the same names and labels they pin on everyone,’ as Obama puts it); his toughness on the war on terror can’t be questioned (’attempts to play on our fears’); his extreme positions on social issues can’t be exposed (’the same efforts to distract us from the issues that affect our lives’ and ‘turn us against each other’); and his Chicago background too is off-limits (’pouncing on every gaffe and association and fake controversy’). Besides that, it should be a freewheeling and spirited campaign.” —Rich Lowry “No one bothers to consider what those working whites in North Carolina, Indiana and the other big states that Mr. Obama couldn’t win find suspicious about the man from Illinois. Maybe it’s the company he keeps in Chicago, the crazy bigoted preacher, the unrepentant and unredeemed terrorists, the sleazy slumlords. Maybe the working stiffs don’t trust his wife, who decided America was OK only when it looked like Americans might reward her with a lease on a big house on Pennsylvania Avenue. Maybe it’s the mystery about the why and how he keeps so much hidden in the shadows. Maybe it’s the change they can’t believe in.” —Wesley Pruden “We pick presidents for their judgment and values. Anything that gives us a clue as to what those might be is not only fair game, it is the game.” —Jonah Goldberg

“In fairness to the United States, racial attitudes (or man’s view of the ‘other’ man) is a universal phenomenon that in most countries either goes unspoken or results in straight-out ethnic cleansing and murder. Here in America, in our earnest striving toward perfected tolerance and equality, we loquaciously agonize over our shortcomings—and it is good that we do.” —Tony Blankley

“[John] McCain should begin identifying people who have overcome poverty and let them tell their stories of how they did it. Those stories are better than the stories of people mired in poverty, largely because of wrong decisions, who are doomed to remain there because they’ve been told the best they can hope for is a government check. Success becomes an example for others to follow.” —Cal Thomas