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View Full Version : So Very Typical

Kelly J
06-02-2008, 07:19 AM
“Every time there’s a highly publicized shooting, out go the cries for stricter gun control laws... Gun control laws will not protect us from murderers. We need protection from the criminal justice system politicians have created... If there is one clear basic function of government, it’s to protect citizens from criminals... We hear calls for stricter gun control laws when what is really needed is more control over criminals. There are many third-party liability laws. I think they ought to be applied to members of parole boards who release criminals who turn around and commit violent crimes. As it stands now, people on parole boards who release criminals bear no cost of their decisions. I bet that if members of parole boards were held liable or forced to serve the balance of the sentence of a parolee who goes out and commits more crime, they would pay more attention to the welfare of the community rather than the welfare of a criminal. You say, ‘Williams, under those conditions, who’d serve on a parole board?’ There’s something to be said about that.” —Walter Williams