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Kelly J
06-16-2008, 02:54 PM
“I would define a conservative, first as one who believes in the Constitution as it is written. That takes care of free speech, freedom of religion, the right to petition the government, the right to keep and bear arms and, in the words of William O. Douglas in one of his saner moments, ‘the right to be let alone. Second, a conservative believes in small, limited government at every level. Along with this he believes strongly in individual responsibility. That is, a person or a family should take care of itself and turn for help to government only when all other means have been exhausted. It also means that society, before government, has a duty to take care of its own. Government should be a resource of last resort. Third, a conservative believes taxes should be levied for the purpose of financing the limited responsibilities of government such as providing for the common defense, catching and incarcerating criminals, minting money and filling potholes. Taxes should not be levied for the purpose of redistributing wealth... One other thing I think a conservative believes is that the parents, not government, are and should be responsible for the upbringing and behavior of their children.” —Lyn Nofziger

“When I was a boy, the purpose of American history textbooks was to teach American history. Today, the purpose of most American history texts is to make minorities and females feel good about themselves. As a result, American kids today are deprived of the opportunity to feel good about being American (not to mention deprived of historical truth). They are encouraged to feel pride about all identities—African-American, Hispanic, Asian, female, gay—other than American...*Can we return to the America of my youth? No. Can we return to the best values of that time? Yes. But not if both houses of Congress, the presidency and the Supreme Court move the country even further leftward. If that happens... [m]ore laws restricting ‘offensive’ speech will be enacted; litigation will increase and trial lawyers will gain more power; the American military will be less valued; trees will gradually replace the flag as our most venerated symbol; schools will teach even less as they concentrate even more on diversity, sexuality and the environment; teenage sex will be increasingly accepted; American identity will continue to be replaced by ethnic, racial, gender or ‘world citizen’ identity; and the power of the state will expand further as the power of the individual inevitably contracts. It’s hard to believe most Americans really want that.” —Dennis Prager

Fellow Patriots,
On 30 May, I sent you a request to sign an important petition—“The Right of the People... shall not be infringed,” a citizen petition affirming the Second Amendment’s individual “right of the People to keep and bear arms.”
I urge you to sign this petition today—right now, please. We need more than 100,000 signatures in order for this petition to be given the attention it deserves from national leaders.
To sign this petition online, link to— http://PatriotPetitions.US/second/
You can also sign this petition by sending a blank e-mail to: sign-second@PatriotPetitions.US
Please forward this invitation to Patriot family members, friends and associates.
Thank you!
Semper Vigilo, Fortis, Paratus et Fidelis!
Mark Alexander
Publisher, PatriotPost.US

“Sometimes, I swear, when I see what our tax dollars get us in Congress, I feel like asking for my money back. But, other times, I find myself thinking that the laughs those clowns provide us nearly, but not quite, make up for their incompetence, hypocrisy and mendacity... Recently, I got my year’s quota of laughs when Congress decided to grill oil company executives because, I guess, the price of gas was higher than it had been in 1958.*There’s nothing that rich, pampered politicians like better than putting rich, pampered business executives on the hot seat... at least until they have to go, hat in hand, to grovel for campaign contributions.*I actually found myself sympathizing with the executives because they pretty much had to sit there and take it. God forbid they opened their yaps and pointed out that we’d not only have cheaper gas, but not have to toady to the Arabs, the Russians and Hugo Chavez, if these same politicians would quit caving in to the environmental fascists and allowed American oil companies to drill in Anwar, in the Dakotas and in the deep blue sea. It would also be a good idea if we finally began using nuclear power in a big way. Heck, if France can do it without turning Paris into Chernobyl, it can’t be that hard.*In the meantime, thanks to these buffoons, I’m stuck paying $4.15-a-gallon for regular.” —Burt Prelutsky