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Kelly J
09-03-2008, 09:15 AM
03 September 2008 Patriot Vol. 08 No. 36


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Sarah Palin: Not taking bull from anyone
“In proportion as the structure of a government gives force to public opinion, it is essential that public opinion should be enlightened.” —George Washington

“Many are destined to reason wrongly; others, not to reason at all; and others to persecute those who do reason.” —Voltaire

“A man should never be ashamed to own that he has been in the wrong, which is but saying that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.” —Alexander Pope

“We cannot afford to differ on the question of honesty if we expect our republic permanently to endure. Honesty is not so much a credit as an absolute prerequisite to efficient service to the public. Unless a man is honest, we have no right to keep him in public life; it matters not how brilliant his capacity.” —Theodore Roosevelt

“It is equally dangerous giving a madman a knife and a villain power.” —Socrates

“This is my sixth Republican National Convention, and I’ve never seen anything remotely like the excitement Palin has unleashed. Some compare it to the enthusiasm for Ronald Reagan in 1976 or 1980. Even among the cynics and nervous strategists, there’s a kind of giddiness over John McCain’s tactical daring in selecting the little-known Alaskan.” —Jonah Goldberg

“There are, recall, no Constitutional qualifications to occupy the presidency other than being 35 years of age and a native-born American.” —John Podhoretz

“If a 44-year-old Alaskan governor lacks experience to be vice president, what does that deficiency say about the credentials of the a 47-year-old sometime community organizer in Chicago and one-term U.S. senator to actually lead the nation and, by inference, much of the world? Nothing very hopeful, is what it says.” —William Murchison

“Barack Obama[’s]... economic program is based on the assumption that the economy is to the president what a marionette is to a puppeteer, requiring his direction and responding to his every wish.” —Steve Chapman

“Now our opponents tell you not to worry about their tax increases. They tell you they are not going to tax your family. No, they’re just going to tax ‘businesses.’ So unless you buy something from a ‘business,’ like groceries or clothes or gasoline... or unless you get a paycheck from a big or a small ‘business,’ don’t worry... it’s not going to affect you. They say they are not going to take any water out of your side of the bucket, just the ‘other’ side of the bucket! That’s their idea of tax reform.” —Fred Thompson

“The more Congress does, the less Americans prosper. Freedom, not legislation and regulation, is what powers the U.S. economy. The old political wisdom is a sound investment guideline, too: That government is best that governs least.” —Jeff Jacoby

“Election 2008: John McCain’s choice of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate is brilliant. Her individualism matches McCain’s. But it’s the new strengths she brings to the ticket that make the team formidable. To say it was a bold pick is putting it mildly. Palin, after all, isn’t well-known outside Alaska. But McCain is maverick-bold, and this masterstroke looks like a game-changer for Republicans. A first look at Palin, 44, shows striking political similarities with the man who heads the ticket. Like McCain, she thinks independently and has shown political courage. Elected governor in 2006, she became popular for tax-cutting and budget-balancing, both hallmarks of McCain’s own career. Also like McCain, Palin has confronted political corruption, even at a cost to herself... Palin is also a straight-talker. As governor of a small-population state, she’s accessible, with a history of working with and listening to people, taking in all sides. She uses plain language and doesn’t fear gaffes. She couldn’t be further from the canned, focus-group-driven politicians who dominate politics. This builds trust. McCain’s and Palin’s similarities present an emerging political coherence and unity of message that should appeal to voters.” —Investor’s Business Daily