View Full Version : What is the Truth behind the claim?

Kelly J
10-22-2008, 09:12 PM
How many times have you heard some one claim that a Candidate, and, or your Legislator, voted this way, or that, claiming they voted a Yea, or a Nay, with out any actual explanation, leaving you to think the wrong thing, they haven’t told a lie, it is much worse than that, they haven’t told the entire truth.

If you want to find the truth quickly and in a single location then you need to go to this site.


It will, tell you what the actual vote was, and then by clicking on the topic of the vote, it will give you the Candidates reason for the vote, now you understand why a no vote wasn’t just a no vote, but why it was a no vote. Or for that matter why it was a Yes vote. These partial and misleading claims are responsible for a lot of mis information, would you really rather know the truth, behind the statement!

10-23-2008, 12:08 PM
You're right. Thank you.
A half truth is the same as a lie, they're both meant to deceive.