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View Full Version : World Net Daily

Kelly J
11-29-2008, 12:01 AM

I heard from someone I respect today, that this story is growing legs. YEA, I
bet Alan Keyes filing suit didn't hurt any. He is asking for Calif. votes not
to be released till B.HO proves he is eligible. Joseph Farah of World Net
Daily is doing a petition asking for B.HO to release his b.c. The Supreme
Court conference is on the 5th of Dec. I just signed the petition (along with
108,511 of my fellow citizens) anyone care to make it 108,512? Where there's
smoke, there's fire?? I'm just trying to fan the flames a bit here. I'm
hoping that a LOT of signatures will get some action. It only takes a couple
seconds, it's free. Either the Constitution means something, or it doesn't.
Thanks for your consideration!


This story has a link in it if you choose to sign.