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Kelly J
12-04-2008, 12:21 AM

[This would be funny if it weren't so true].

The latest from Fred File – Fred Thompson PAC Blog

Bloggers React to Fred’s Economy Video

Bloggers React to Fred’s Economy Video
Fred’s video discussing the economy and bailout dollars dropped by air over America has generated some chatter online. Thought I’d share some of the reax. Jim Geraghty from the National Review Online : Thinking about Fred Thompson’s economic message from earlier today, I’m a little worried that not many political figures have echoed his diagnosis of a national “borrowing, spending and consuming binge” in recent years. People look at a recession as a dip from “normal,” and our concept of “normal” was probably wildly skewed in recent years… So we’re left with competing stimulus packages, and Thompson describes the plan to distribute money by dropping it from a plane being dismissed because of concerns about some people having larger rakes than others. The various stimulus packages sound only marginally less silly; basically, they’re all variations of either borrowing or printing more money and putting it in the hands of people and hoping they spend it in a way that spurs economic growth. Ed Morrissey at HotAir wirtes: Fred Thompson gives us a dose of common sense about the economy and the government action to rescue it. It’s a masterpiece of sarcasm and wit, and almost impossible to excerpt. Like most Fred! videos, it’s an instant classic. Matt Lewis at Townhall says, “Gotta love Fred’s common-sense commentaries!” The video (embedded below) is available on our Blip.tv channel as well as our YouTube Channel .
