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View Full Version : Ill. Gov. scandal won't go away soon.

Kelly J
12-12-2008, 11:49 AM

[This entire edition of the Patriot Post connects some compelling interest in the Ill. State Gov. scandal, Obama was not mentioned in the Legal Papers, but the term President-Elect. Was mentioned 44 times, Smacks of Questions yet again that will be swept under the Obama Rug.]

On cross-examination
"U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald called the breadth and depth of charges against Blagojevich and his Democratic Chief of Staff John Harris 'staggering.' That's an understatement. ... Fitzgerald says President-elect Obama was not implicated in the plethora of charges against Democrats Blago and Harris. The national media went out of their way to absolve him, too. But declaring Team Obama's hands clean -- especially with Blago crony and indicted Obama donor Tony Rezko in the middle of it all -- is premature. (And if you're wondering why I keep putting 'Democrat' in front of the accused corruptocrats, it's because the mainstream newspapers can't seem to remember to identify their party prominently the way they do when Republicans are nabbed.)" --columnist Michelle Malkin

The entire Post can be read at the attached link.
