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Kelly J
12-22-2008, 11:36 AM
Western Missouri Shooters Alliance


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[There is a Video here on the Second Amendment put outby the JPFO that is well worth the watching, hope you enjoy.]

Welcome to the WMSA Movie Theater

1) 2A Today for the USA Click the JPFO logo to start your movie, hope you got your popcorn already!

From JPFO's Web Site:
"I have been meaning to bring your attention to an excellent new short film that Aaron Zelman's Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership has just posted at their website, www.jpfo.org.
Entitled "2A Today for the USA." The film is designed to help gun owners reach out to non-gun owners, to help them fully appreciate the Second Amendment and give them reasons why they should ignore the gun haters' rhetoric.
And while you're there, why don't you join JPFO, or at least send them some money? They are doing the Lord's own work over there, in my Southern Baptist opinion. ;-)" (Mike Vanderboegh - who is working on his soon to released novel "Absolved".)

"..... it counters the arguments of the gun controllers, the misinterpretation of the second amendment - and it does so very very well, clearly and concisely. Share it with your friends - it is important " (G. Gordon Liddy)

You can visit JPFO's excellent bookstore to find other educational, informative movies & books. Also some really great novels! There are also Goody Gun Cookie Cutters, pamphlets geared towards the younger reader and apparel.
