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Right now, we get more "skimmers" than we do "posters", but that will change as the membership increases. It will grow into as nice a place to visit as the Cast Boolits and Reloaders Guide next door. We already have a lot of nice folks, no flamers, everything's polite, civil, and encouraging. Good seed makes for a good garden. Other forums I belong to have so many members that you never get to know anyone, and a lot of nasty stuff gets spewed back and forth. I much prefer the small town atmosphere of the three gunloads forums. I learn a lot, and can share what I know and have seen. If I run into something that doesn't make sense, usually one or more of the other members has been there, too, and we can compare notes. Each adds the data he has collected over many years, and together we form a bigger picture and better understanding of our common interest.
I am very encouraged by all the newbees that are joining the brother(and sister)hood of shooters, loaders, and casters. When I started loading, there was no one to ask, I had to order books, and some of them were better than others, but the only way to separate the wheat from the chaff was experimenting all by my onesy. Now, there are literally thousands of experienced loaders who can answer the questions, give advice to help them make good safe ammo, and help them find the right books and tools for exactly what they want to do without the expensive trial and error we went through.
Willy has created an amazing resource here and in the other two, but he tends to hide behind the scenes and most members don't even know whom to thank for what he makes possible. I admire a man who doesn't need to toot his own horn! The cards that life has dealt me make it very difficult for me now to get out and around, especially in winter, and being able to come here and interact with folk with whom I have so much in common greatly lessens my sense of isolation and keeps me from going stir crazy. I spend about half of my computer time in one or another of his forums, and I check at least twice daily for new posts on the threads of interest to me. Thank you, Willy, for making it all possible. It's good to be home.