Memorial Day Special Edition · May 31, 2010


"Be sure this Memorial Day ... you are a part of those Americans asking God to bless the heroes we remember who never really set out to be heroes. As the kin of a fallen soldier once proclaimed, 'Each loved his life as much as we love ours. Each had a place in the world, a family waiting and friends to see again.

They thought of the future just as we do, with plans and hopes for a long life. But they left it all behind when they went to war, and parted with it forever when they died so that you and I might enjoy freedom today.'

On this Memorial day set aside time from celebrating summer for you, your family and friends to honor and remember those who have given their lives for you because as Robert Orr so beautifully said, 'To live in the hearts of those you leave behind is never to die.'

Frankly speaking, saluting their memory is our duty, and on this day, it is our privilege.

The time is now to show we care and to honor their sacrifice not only this Memorial Day, but every day.

Honoring our military heroes assures their memory does indeed live in our hearts and thus, these heroes will in the name of freedom never die." --columnist Frank Jordan