[I found this to be very interesting and a bit perplexing at the same time, with no logical explanation.]

9- Permit Carry Expands
The lamestream media told you:
Defying logic and any sense of safety, Bush's government has avoided Congress and changed the gun laws through regulatory process. People with concealed-weapon permits will now be allowed to roam the National Parks armed at will. "We should not be making it easier for dangerous people to carry firearms in our parks," said Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign, in a prepared statement.
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
Why Mr. Helmke thinks that trained, FBI-certified permit holders are dangerous people instead of safe people was unreported. Statistics show that permit holders are, on average, five times below the national average for commission of crimes.
However, continuing the rights-denial policies now entrenched in the halls of federal power, quasi-government agents -- people with perpetually monitored government-issued firearm-carry permits -- will be tolerated in U.S. National Parks for now. The National Park service banned the possession of working firearms from their entire spread of lands (83 million acres, 376 separate areas, in 49 states) decades ago, with no apparent delegated legal authority to do so.
Now, the one or two percent of the public that has bent over and been granted government permits will be able to keep and bear arms on this federally controlled land with little fear of arrest.
The rights of the rest of the public, supposedly guaranteed under the Bill of Rights, remain denied.
No effort is underway or planned for reinstating freedom for the general population. Any "non-licensed person" caught in National Parks in possession of private property, if the property is a workable firearm, will be subject to fines, confiscation of the property, arrest and prosecution. That part of the plan got no "news" attention at all, but we the people noticed it.