Senate Bill 1867 Will Seal The Fate Of Our Country
Jean Barnes 13 Comments Share
The Senate will vote on S.1867, the National Defense Authorization Act bill. This bill contains the National Security Strategy’s Organizational Goals. S.1867 states that no later then 180 days after this bill is enacted, the President will submit to the appropriate committees and Congress, a report regarding the implementation of these organizational goals.
One of the goals is to integrate National security with Homeland Security. The power given in this bill is so broad our homeland becomes a battlefield giving this president and all others to follow, the authority to order the military to imprison civilians anywhere without charges or trial.
These goals have more to do with climate and global issues, which doesn’t surprise me. When doing my research I found that these Strategy Goals are part of the United Nations Millennium Project. The last link in this article is from the Center for American Progress, George Soros.
If this bill is passed by Congress, we have sealed our fate for the future.
Contact your representatives in the Senate and House and tell them not to pass the National Defense Authorization Act.

To read the entire Bill Go to the Thomas Site and click on the Bill Number then enter S.B. 1867

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