I prefer the Old West wide open spaces when Hunger,Thirst, and Natural Disasters were all a body had to worry them.Today we still have all that , but we also have Lawmakers and Politicians to tax and harass us to the grave.WHEWEEEEE GACK and UGH! They claim to be taking care of us. Yeah! Just like Jack the Ripper and Scarface AL took care of someone. When you move away out somewhere to get away from it all- you have to file on that piece to make it legal.As soon as you file, They know where you are cause you have to tell them when you file.Within a year of you moving there and getting settled, there's a #%!&%## subdivision pushing in next to your back 40 and lined up with the Berm you shoot into. Your property taxes skyrocket and of course, you can't shoot anymore and you can't afford the property taxes. YOU DONE BEEN TOOK CARE OF!!! Just sayin. and Awright then. I'm movin on.