Here is a picture of the second deer that I have taken since getting into reloading.
Taken on: November 25th, 2005 at 7:55 AM
Taken with: Remington Model 700 30-06 with 6-24x50 Tasco Scope
Bullet: Reloads - Nosler 150 gn Ballistic Tip, 48 gns IMR 4064 Powder, Remington Brass and CCI Primers
Place Taken: Run and Gun Club, Fayette County, WV
Points: 6
Measurements: Inside Spread 11.5 inches, Outside Spread 12.75 inches, G1's both 2.25 inches, G2's: left side 4 inches, right side 3.5 inches, Beam length: both beams 14 inches
Weight: 110 lbs
Shot Placement: left shoulder
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Here is me with my 5 point that I got in 2004 with my first reloads.
This is me with my 5 point buck taken on Thursday, November 25th, 2004 at around
9 AM. I got this buck using my Remington Model 700 30-06 and my reloads which were Nosler 150 gn Spitzer (ballistic tip), 48 gns of IMR-4064 powder, Remington brass and CCI primers. I am proud of this buck since it was taken with my reloaded ammo.