Block Holder

Written by Jeff Knox, on 01-02-2009 20:59
The Knox Update
From the Firearms Coalition

Block Holder
By Jeff Knox
(December 18, 200 Barack Obama’s nomination of Eric Holder to be the Attorney General demands an immediate and unequivocal response from gunowners and rights advocates and that response should be “Absolutely Not!”
Holder’s appointment to be AG must be approved by the Senate. While it is highly unlikely that opponents could muster the 51 votes needed to reject Holder’s appointment, a single Senator can place a “hold” on the confirmation and effectively lock up the system just as Democrats did with a number of President Bush’s judicial appointments and the appointment of John Bolton to be Ambassador to the UN. Once a “Hold” has been placed, a supermajority of 60 votes is required to break the hold. With enough vocal opposition to Holder’s confirmation, Obama could be forced to withdraw the nomination and select someone else to be his AG. Even if opponents cannot successfully block Holder’s appointment, a strong and concerted effort to do so will go far toward warning the Obama administration and the new Congress against trying to interfere with the rights of Americans to own guns.

Additional Information:
javascriptpenlittleme('')javascriptpenlittleme(''): Coalition Developing in Opposition to Omama's Holder Nomination Washington, DC December 30 2008 Coalition Developing in Opposition to Obama’s Holder Nomination

By John M. Snyder

Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, the Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, indicated early in December that he was not overjoyed with the proposed nomination of Eric Holder as Attorney General by President-elect Barack Obama. At the time, a number of observers pooh-poohed the news as just typical political skirmishing between a long-serving senator of one party and the now titular leader of the other party.

Specter, however, had a point of great significance. He said that he was “looking for a very constructive engagement to determine the qualifications of Mr. Holder.”

Since then, a lot has been coming out about the Holder question. Opposition to his nomination has been coming from people upset about his record of support for questionable presidential pardons and from people upset about his record of support for infringement on law-abiding Americans’ gun rights.

Much of the outspoken opposition to the Holder nomination has been in reaction to the positive role he played as a Justice Department official in the 11th-hour pardon of Marc Rich by outgoing President Bill Clinton after Rich had been a fugitive from justice for 20 years. Rich had been indicted on 65 counts of tax evasion and arms dealing with Iran.

Holder’s record in going easy on terrorists also is generating opposition to his nomination. Ken Blackwell of the American Civil Rights Union writes that, “16 terrorists of the FALN group were imprisoned for felonies involving bombs, guns, robbery and sedition. But in 1999, Eric Holder facilitated President Clinton commuting their sentences.”

Blackwell writes that, “These were unrepentant terrorists. America is now at war with terror, and yet when we imprisoned over a dozen confirmed terrorists involved in bombings and other terrorist acts, the man who would be our top official against acts of terror helped convince the president of the United States to let them go.”